; 4 + pink like hair

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"michael, honey, please." michael's mom begs, looking at her son with pleading eyes.

"i said no, karen!" michael yells at her, rolling his eyes when seeing her eyes gloss over with tears.

"m-michael please, j-just go. he'd want you there." she pleads, watching over her son, taking in his appearance and how she's never excepted her innocent and loving baby to turn out this way.

michael toys around with the hem of his black on white grid skirt, glaring at his mom. "what part of no, do you not understand! yeah, i get he's dying, but what do you expect me to do for a man who neglected me my whole damn life? go over there and treat him like royalty? you're fucking stupid if you do." michael spits, tears welling up in his eyes, just wanting to disappear, wanting his mom to go away and to leave him alone.

"h-he's your father, mikey. he loves you, he made a mistake, and he's sorry.. he needs you." karen cries out, her hand reaching for michael's, grabbing onto it for a brief second, letting out a sob seconds later, when michael snatches his hand out of her grip.

"i don't give a flying shit, if he's my father, or the president. how can you forgive him after all these years, and move on with him? what he did to me was not fucking okay, and you know it. i'm not going to go see him, even if it's the last thing i do." michael sneers, looking at karen dead in the eyes. tears escaping both their eyes, one of sadness, and the other of hatred.


"get out."

"what?" she whispers, more tears rolling down her face.

"did i fucking stutter?! i said get out of my fucking house!" michael yells, emotionless eyes watching as karen leaves the house in a hurry.

"fuck!" michael screams, anger taking over his body, as he punches the wall next to him.

"michael! bro, chill out." ashton scolds michael, just walking into the house. "what happened?"

"i fucking hate everything. why can't people just leave me alone? they try their hardest to pressure me into things i don't want to do! it doesn't stop. it just continues and continues. i'm so tired." michael rants, before bursting into tears.

ashton pulls his best friend into a bone crushing hug, letting his plain white shirt get ruined in mascara, because that's what friends are for, they're always there to be a shoulder to cry on, no matter what.

"it's okay, she's gone now." ashton whispers, sighing when hearing michael cry harder. ashton plays with the hem of his bestfriend's skirt, squeezing michael's shoulder with the arm that's wrapped around him. "it's okay to cry, but c'mon stop crying, you'll ruin your makeup." ashton whispers into michael's hair.

michael pulls away from the hug, tug his crop top down in shame. "i can't help it.. i- I feel fucking sad and pissed off at the same time, i hate it." michael whimpers, walking away from ashton and walks up the stairs and to his room. ashton follows michael, curious onto what he's doing.

michael walks into his room, instantly going towards his walk-in closet. he grabs a burgundy knitted sweater and some black leggings. he tugs off his skirt with a frown, pulling the leggings up his pale legs, then taking off his pastel pink crop top, his frown deepening.

"michael." ashton says softly, looking at his friend with a sad expression etched onto his face. michael hums, acknowledging ashton that he's listening.

"why're you changing? you looked pretty in your skirt." ashton asks, watching as tears start to well up in his pink haired friend's eyes once again.

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