; 12 + i want you

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continuation of last chapter


after kissing one another, calum and michael couldn't stop. all they were, were soft kisses and gentle touches. along with their lips moving softly together, they couldn't help, but touch each other. calum's hands found their home on michael's hips, caressing the pale skin, as michael's hands found home on calum's chest, just softly scratching at the skin through calum's shirt.

calum's lips were moving against michael's softly as we speak, their lips barely touching as they kissed, just taking own another in. finding themselves drunk in the feeling of one another. soft touches, kisses. repeat. only stopping to breath and take in one another, their newly discovered favorite past time. calum's hands moved up from michael's hips to his cheeks, slightly pulling away so their lips weren't touching, but ghosting over each other.

"i'm getting drunk off you." calum whispers, keeping his eyes closed, but feeling michael watching him. "everything about you is so fucking addictive. i can't have enough."

michael blushes, his cheeks turning red with calum's words. his hands move from calum's chest, prying calum's hands off his cheeks, and lacing his fingers with calum's.

"you make my heart beat so hard. you're a drug, and all i want to do is get high off you." michael tells him, just wanting calum to open his eyes so he can lose himself within to pools of brown that is calum's gorgeous eyes. "i'm thirsty for your touch. i want your lips on mine. i want you. you. you."

and lastly, calum opens his eyes, he opens them to be met with the brightest shade of green he's ever seen michael's eyes could ever be. michael's eye color, being his new favorite color.



"my feelings for you are fucking everywhere. i like you so much. everything about you is my favorite everything. you're like perfection, some kind of holiday. a holiday so fucking perfect. i've never felt this way about someone. you, i want you." calum admits, michael's eyes sparkling the whole time as he speaks, making calum more and more mesmerized by him.

"fuck, calum." michael whispers, closing his eyes, darkness taking over his vision, feeling calum's forehead rest against his shoulder.

"what, baby?" calum asks him, his breath fanning over michael's collarbone, causing goosebumps to form against the pale boy's skin.

the nickname makes butterflies erupt inside of michael's tummy, a smile making its way onto his face. michael closes his eyes, resting his forehead against calum's, their breathing mixing not within each others.

"you make me feel like i'm gona fuckin' explode. butterflies in my stomach. cheeks red. a smile that i can't seem to wipe off my dumb face. it's all you. you. you. you. i want you, too. so badly." michael tells calum, opening his eyes, only to be met with big brown eyes staring right at him, making his cheeks turn redder.

"we're just both so high and drunk off each other."


"ga'ma!" arabella squeals, running towards joy, as fast as her little legs could take her, no giving a fuck as calum yells behind her to slow down.

"hey, bubby." joy tells arabella, once she's caught the little girl who happily threw herself as joy. "hi, sweetheart." joy then greets calum, who's jogging over to his mum and daughter, pushing a stroller along the way.

"hi, mum." calum greets back, pressing a kiss to joy's cheek, he then turns to arabella, with a slightly stern look of his face, making her pout and give him puppy dog eyes.

"no, ara. you don't run off from me like that, okay?" he softly tells her.

"'kay daddy." she smiles.


"so luke has been telling me about this boy you've been seeing. why haven't you told good ol' mumma joy?" joy questions calum, as she gives arabella a slice of watermelon.

"i dunno. we haven't really seen each other since i've met him. and why is luke nosing himself in my business? he's seeing someone too!" calum explains, feeling small under joy's strong glare that's looking up at him.

"nonsense, boy! now, tell me all about him." joy demands, smacking calum's ass with a towel, receiving an "ow!" from he boy.

calum sighs, he can't, and he most definitely won't, ignore his mother's requests to know of michael. "well... his name is michael." calum starts, his palms beginning to grow sweaty. his eyes looking around to see where arabella's gone off to, only to see her occupied with mali.

"he has pink hair," joy scoffs at that, making calum frown at his mother's actions. making him more worried at what her reaction would be when he told her he was a cross dresser. "he..is uhm- uh different." calum says, making joy's eyebrows furrow together in confusion.

"how so?"

"well, uhm, he's a- he's a cross dresser, mum. and i don't care about what you think, because i like him a lot, he loves arabella. he's perfect to me. i'm sorry if you don't approve, but i'm still going to see him." calum blubbers out, shaking his head, as he sees his mum break out into a smile.

"my babyboy is in love!" joy squeals, grabbing calum's face, squishing his cheeks together, making him groan, before pressing a sloppy kiss onto his forehead.



to: princess 💗✨

hey, babyyyyyy

to: baby 💜

hi cal :)

to: princess 💗✨

how're yaaaa, miss your kisses babyboy ):

to: baby 💜

so you miss my kisses, but not me? rood dude, dumping you from the relationship we don't even have 😅

to: princess 💗✨

nooOOooOooO )): don't do that 😭

to: baby 💜

tooooo lateee, see ya wouldn't wanna be ya 😏

to: princess 💗✨

baby noooo come back ):

[message not delivered]

damnit michael


damn this took forever ))): sorry but at least here's something !! the first half of this chapter is one of my favorite things I've written (-: only 3 more chapters left (-: and should i do a character ask?? love ya all 💜

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