chapter 14 ♡

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Ryan's PoV

all of us were getting ready since harry made it a big deal me and niall were gonna eat so we planned to make it a get together.. Harry's been getting on my nerves lately.

"hey. everything alright?" zayn said noticing I was deep in thought. I bit down on my lower lip and nodded slowly.

"you know, Ellie she's been crazy about you..." I said. "once she heard about Perrie she flipped" I added. he chuckled.

"Perries a great girl but too odd for me, to be completely honest I waited for Ellie" he said. my heart flutter with happiness. Ellie's gonna flip out. Harry was looking at me intensely as I tried my hardest not to stare back and give him a bitch face or a 'what the fuck do you want' face.

"well I'm off to shower" Niall announced.

"me as well" Liam said. "I'll take your bathroom" he said and I nodded. zayn, Louis and Harry were on the couch watching telly.

"ry ry, c'mere I wanna cuddle" Louis pleaded. I smiled before leaping into Louis' lap and snuggling up against him. I felt Harry's eyes on us as I did so.

"kinda not appropriate since you've got a birdy" Harry stated. Louis quickly let lose of me and I sat beside him instead eyeing Harry.

"it's a friendly cuddly. chill." I spat. zayn nodded in agreement.

"I'm just saying." he spat back.

"and I'm just saying is if you have fucking problems with me, fucking pull me aside and handle it don't bring your mates down just because of me okay?" I finally had enough. I felt my nostrils flared. Harry slowly nodded.

"I'm gonna go and rest up" zayn dismissed himself, Louis nodded leaving. great fucking great.

"I don't like seeing other people touch you" Harry admitted. I rolled my eyes.

"h-Harry, look.. Steph, she's a nice girl." I reminded him. he nodded.

"I know. I'm just I don't know.." he trailed off. to be honest I didn't want Steph to be anywhere near Harry with her beauty and kindness ugh she was the full package.

"I'm gonna nap, I think.." I said getting up, trying not to be jealous. Harry stood up along with me. "what are you doin-" I got cut off by Harry kissing me. he kissed me, passionately and hungrily. I pulled away after a good amount of his lips and heat between the two of us.

"sleep well." he said clearing his throat and sitting back down in the lounge chair. I noticed I stared at him blankly for a few moments trying to comprehend before nodding several times and walking up the stairs to lay down. I laid in bed and through the covers over my head. I sighed in defeat. no matter how much I despised that cheeky bastard I still had feelings for him. gosh, why?!

"Ry, you alright?" liam said coming out of my steamy bathroom with a towel loosely around his torso.

"yeah of course." I smiled. "I'm excited to meet your birdy by the way" I assured him after hearing loads about some girl named Blair. he smiled.

"you'll love her" he nodded. "well rest up." he said grabbing his pile of clothes and walking out my room shutting the door behind him. I shut my eyes and fell hastily asleep.


"Ry ry, wakey" I heard a sweet hushed voice call out. I fluttered my eyes opened to see Louis smiling.

"time to go yeah?" I asked shutting my eyes again. Louis chuckled.

"not quite." he said. I opened my eyes back open to meet his.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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