Chapter One// Romeo & Juliet

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I pressed the off button before rolling back over into my pillow. About three minutes later, in walks my younger brother.

"Mom said, 'I know you hear that alarm clock! Get yo little scrawny self up and hop in that shower! If you late, I ain't gon say a dang thing but 'I told you so!' Ya hear me?" He mocked placing his hands on his hips. I rolled onto the floor laughing. "Yo, go tell her I'm up." He nodded and walked away chuckling.

I stood from the floor and walked over to my closet. I had an audition today for The Voice and I couldn't be more thrilled. I decided on a plain black skater skirt, a maroon flowy shirt thing, and maroon flats. I grabbed underclothes and ran into the bathroom turning on the water. After lathering in my favorite Bath & Body Works scent, Warm Vanilla Sugar, I hopped out, lotioned, dressed, and spritzed perfume along my body.

"Now's the hard part," I mumble to myself. I pull my dreads out of my face and into a ponytail so I can do my makeup. I slowly line my left eye with eyeliner, trying to make the perfect wing. "Ree!!!!!" My mom yells down the hall of our small apartment.

"Come eat! Breakfast is ready!" I sigh. "Mama! I need help with my makeup!!!!!" I yell back, I instantly hear her light footsteps padding down the hallway towards the bathroom. She says nothing, but points to the toilet instructing me to sit.

I take a seat as she removes the eyeliner pen from my hand and wipes away my failed attempt from my eyelid, not even a minute later she's applying my mascara and lip liner. Once she's finished she steps back and smiles,

"You're ravishing babygirl." I smile and thank her.

I follow her out to the living/ dining room and sit down to eat. Once we all finish, I grab my ID, and wallet and make my way towards the front door. "Are you sure you don't want us to come??" My mom asked in a panic. "Yes mama, I don't need you crying for me if I don't make it." I reply putting on my jacket.

"Please be safe baby. And good luck, I know you'll do fine." I kissed her cheek and walked out of the door. As soon as it closed I ran down to the subway. It was packed as always. I ran to the platform and stood in the crowd. Multiple cat calls were thrown my way. I stood at my 5'8, skinny, frame. I wasn't ashamed of my body.

I had thick thighs, a small butt, descent breasts, and a little tummy pudge; but it was nothing a little work out couldn't fix. I graduated HighSchool 2 weeks ago, and now I'm just waiting to start college at NYU. My mom has connections with the administration, so I was a shoe in.

My moms biggest priority has always been education, especially since she had to drop out to raise me and my older brother. My dad is in my life but him and mom split about 2 years ago. We all understood and he's very active and I appreciate him.

The subway finally arrived and I checked my watch for the time, 7:56. Auditions start at 9, and I'm a little less than an half hour away. I got on the train and there were no empty seats. I stood near a window before a tap startled me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." A slightly older male spoke. "Oh no, it's fine. How can I help you?"

He smiled brightly and stood. "I just wanted to offer you my seat, a lady should never be standing if a man is in a seat." He smiled again. This time with a friendly wink. I giggled and thanked him before turning down the offer. "I insist." He pleaded. I shook my head.

"I'm fine, sir. Thank you very much." "Well if you're going to stand, so am I. And please don't call me sir. I'm only 20." We both laughed as the train rolled on. He was very polite and we engaged in light conversation.

As we approached my stop I began walking towards the door. "Leaving already?" He joked. "Yeah, sorry. This is my stop." I laughed a little. "Well it was very nice meeting you, miss. Hopefully, if the graces allow it, our paths shall cross again." I got off, turning around and saying that I hadn't recovered his name. "I know. Farewell Juliet."

I cocked my head to the side before catching on, he mentioned he was a Shakespeare fan, a trait we both shared. "Until next time, Romeo." He smirked and I turned on my way. I clutched onto my jacket tightly, staring down at my feet.

Finally arriving to the venue, I looked up. I grinned widely and enter the building. As soon as the doors opened people swarmed around. I checked in and received a sticker with a large number on it. "58". It read.

I smiled to myself as a young, perky, blonde female walked over to me. "Hi! Are you here alone?" She asked, I nodded slowly and smiled. She sat down next to me and returned my hospitality by baring her pearly whites. "Well, I'm Samantha." She reached out her hand.

"Rena," I responded. We shook hands and she sat back in the chair and I closed my eyes for bit. "Well would you like to harmonize with me?" She randomly asked. I blinked blankly. "Um, sure. I guess I could warm up." I looked at my watch, 9:17. "Was I sleep?"

She shook her head. "No, you were zoned out for a little while though, you kept mumbling about something or another. I think it was Cameroon? Have you been there or something?" I laughed a little. "No, I think I was saying Cameron. He was this guy I had a massive crush on, but he treated me like dirt."

She reassuringly patted my shoulder. "His loss. So about that harmonizing." She wiggled her eyebrows and we broke into a fit of laughter.

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Hey there. So end of chapter one. It's short but they will get longer. Vote🌟, Comment💬, Share📲. Message me if you want to give me pointers or feedback. Or just drop it in the comments.

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