Chapter Eight// Over It & Done

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I looked at myself in the hospital bathroom mirror. I sobbed into my hands. My face was an ugly purple color, starting beside my right eye and ending at my jaw. A large cut was scabbing over along my cheek bone.

My lip quivered as I went into another crying spell. My mom walked in as I sat on the floor and cradled my knees. "Oh, babygirl. I know... I know." She rubbed my back and held me against her chest. "Re? Can I come in?" I looked up and seen my dad through my blurry vision.

I stood to my feet and ran into his chest, he squeezed me tightly. I couldn't be on The Voice because my cheekbone was fractured. I couldn't model because I looked like I got jumped by Bigfoot. My heart crumbled at the thought of it all going down the drain.

Reece couldn't even look at me... He didn't want me anymore, I was ugly now. My self esteem plummeted and I cried harder. "Re, baby, I know. Look at me." I looked up at him and his hazel eyes shimmered with admiration.

"You are still soooo beautiful! Do you understand me? The bruising will fade, the swelling will go down, the cut will heal. You will always have that pretty voice, these good looks, your amazing intelligence, and your family. I promise it will get better."

I still cried, I believed him, but I was scarred. I couldn't help but blame myself. Nobody was at fault, but it was easier to assign blame. Justin hugged me and my mom joined in. They knew how hard this was going to be for me.

I was released from the hospital later that night, I still hadn't heard from Reece. I was instructed to take two pain relievers every six to eight hours. My dad said he would stay with me at my place until I felt better. I didn't want to be alone, and the only other person I wanted didn't want me.

My mom had given me a blow up mattress until the movers dropped off my stuff tomorrow. I laid on it and cried my eyes out. It hurt, but the physical pain was easier to cope with.

I've done it before, I've seen it before. Tears splashing the floor when I open the door for her, she acting like a whore and I'ma let 'er. Learn from project patta, pimpin' gotta masta.

I listened to my phone ring. I was too tired to talk to anyone. I reached for it when the ringing subsided. It was Reece, a few seconds later a voicemail popped up. I sat up and pressed the phone to my ear to listen.

"Rena, please answer the phone. I'm sorry I left. I just couldn't look at you with that bruise on your beautiful face." I cried harder as he confirmed my thoughts. "I can't stand to see you hurt, or in pain. I almost lost it at the hospital. I'm not trying to make excuses, I feel like this is my fault. I should've made you wear the helmet. I'm sorry, Love. I really am. Please call me back or text me so I know you're safe... I love you Rena."

The phone call ended and the operator came on. I hung up and opened up our text messages. I found myself swiping his name. Delete became visible. I was mad, I needed him. I felt ugly and he left.

It may be ridiculous, but you'd have to be in my position. The one person who promised to make me feel beautiful... Left because he couldn't stand to see me bruised and beaten? I felt alone. Like my chest was empty.

Not my heart, my lungs, it felt harder to breathe. I felt stupid for trusting someone else with my happiness. I lost everything today, and I wanted nothing more than to end it.

I laid down and pulled the blanket over my head. I played with my hair until I felt my eyes getting heavy. Before I knew it, I was sleep.

"Rena, wake up. Let's go get breakfast." My dad spoke softly, I shook my head 'no' and pulled the blanket over by head. "You have to eat." "Dad I'm not hungry."

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