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Carmen's P.O.V

Finally after minutes of silence from Jon, he told me the reason for his visit. To say I was mad would be an understatement, I was pissed. Who did they think they were arranging a meeting without asking me first? How dare they try to control my life.

If I was completely honest with myself, I thought it was cute how my mate wanted to 'surprise' me, so to speak.  But the way he's going about it, reminds me of my dad. Don't get me wrong I love my parents to death, both of them. But my dad is a little possessive you might say, when it comes to my mother.

She isn't really allowed to do anything or go anywhere without his permission or approval.  In the beginning I think she was okay with it, blaming my dad's control issues on his love for her. How he didn't want her to leave him for anyone else. But they were mates so why would he think she would?

When I was born there was no reason for her to go anywhere, anyhow. She was a devoted mother and housewife and my dad loved it. As I got older and needed my mothers care even less my dad's jealousy took over full force. He made us move out of the pack house because there were too many males there!

He'd often question my mother and I, swearing he smelled another male on her. He was delusion if he didn't see my moms devotion to him. He'd yell and swear at her and I know things like that coming from your mate would hurt any wolf.

For the last few years he's taken to making her tag along on all his 'business trips'. She's by his side day and night, and I think only I see how much it's changed her. She used to walk around with a warm smile and an aura of happiness. Now her smile seems forced and her mood was always gloomy. My heart ached for her every time I noticed.

I prayed that my mate would be different. That as the years go on he'd loved me like it was the first day we met. That no matter what we'd be happy and work through our problems, together.  I couldn't base our relationship on my parents. But I wouldn't be stupid.

I'd been in my room ever since Jon told me they were coming. It's driving me crazy to find something to wear. I want to look perfect the first time I officially meet my mate. He's so gorgeous and strong. The way he pushed Miles aside like he was a bag of trash had my insides melting! But I wouldn't stand for him disrespecting my friend, in my home!

Jon knocked on the door, again, and this time I opened up. Finally deciding on a pink and white sun dress that went to my ankles, I walked out proudly.  Feeling a new confidence when Jon tells me my mate in on the way, I head down stairs and wait.

It's only a few minutes before I hear the tires stopping in the driveway and I raced to the door. Hand on handle, I felt my confidence slipping away, being replaced my nervousness. What if he was mad at me for what happened last night? All these feelings whirled around me as I opened the door to face my future.

At first sight I noticed their hand holding and if that wasn't enough, the thing holding his hand growled at me! It was powerful and kind of scary, but my wolf wasn't backing down. That was our mate dame it! I growled right back and my wolf was itching to come out and show both of them, just who he belonged to!

But to my surprise, my mate dropped her hands and stared walking towards me. My anger disappeared and I met him half way. Wrapping my self around him was the best feeling ever! His scent smelled of strangely chocolate. Something I wasn't too fond of but knew I'd love now.

He held me in tighter to him before placing a small kiss to the side of my face. His lips were like magic and made me blush profusely! I backed away a bit to look in his eyes and when we connected I knew he was it for me!

"Hi!" he said so softly that I almost missed it. His lips curved into a smile and I blushed more at his cuteness!

"Hi." I replied back. He pulled me against him once more and I lay my head on his chest. It was a comfort like I've never felt and one that I knew I'd grow to love. I felt safe and cared for in just those few seconds that he held me.

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