Secret Conversations

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Jon's P.O.V.

As soon as I stepped out the front door, a vicious growl rang out. I spotted Ant getting out of his truck, but my attention remained on the pissed off Alpha standing in front of me. The look in his eyes was deadly and had me terrified! I knew that I'd better watch my words as well as my movements!

"Marcus...." I started, but was cut off by his wolves voice.

"Leave!" he growled out.

The word was simple, yet the command behind it, left no room for argument. My wolf was whimpering inside me, ashamed of failing our Alpha. I looked to Ant for help, but found none as he too looked ready to killed someone. And even though his hostility wasn't aimed at me, I felt that I'd let my Beta down as well.

So without a backwards glance, I carefully made my way off the porch and to my car. Getting in the car and backing out the driveway, was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But it was the ear shattering, painful howl that ripped through the wind, that broke me all the way down. It was the cry of a man's heart breaking! And he didn't stop at just the one.

Hearing Miles' cries literally broke my own heart. I pulled over a few blocks down, needing to use my hands to cover my ears. The tears came after and memories of Miles and I growing up surfaced! Not only had I failed my Alpha and Luna, I'd also let down my very best friend.

I can't exactly remember the first time I'd ever seen him, but i'll never forget the day we met. It was his 10th birthday and he was just walking all alone. My mom was in the neighborhood, visiting a friend. I was board and decided to explore the town I was stuck in. I walked up to him, we talked and from then on became best buds!

I went to the wolf only school in our territory, while Miles went to the human public school in his town. But after school and on weekends, I always found my way over to visit with Miles. He hated being at home, so he didn't care what we did. We often just lazed around town or did our homework together. I do remember introducing him to Carmen once, when we ran into her in town one day. Although they'd moved out of the Fire Pack territory, Carmen still went to my school.

I think our bond solidified itself the night Miles had his first shift! Now that I think about it, his wolf felt different even then. And even though I hadn't shifted yet, I felt my wolf slightly submitting to his. I brushed its off immediately because I was the son of the third in command, as well as next in line. There was no way that I would submit to him! Even though his mom mated an Alpha, didn't make her one.  It puzzles me to think of how stupid I was to not recognize the Alpha power in him.

I sat there until I could get a hold of my emotions, before I headed towards my aunts house.  I knew she was going to be especially hurt after hearing about Monique. She was really fond of her and already loved the twins! As did everyone in the pack! You could just speak of the Alpha's pups and instantly see the pride, happiness and love everyone had for their Alpha family!

Pulling up only my uncles car was outside and I remembered then that my aunt was away visiting my mom. Huffing loudly, I reached for the door handle, only to be stopped by thoughts that weren't my own. It was like I was in a freeze frame and couldn't press play until I heard it all.

Guy 1: So when do I get my money?

Guy 2: Like I said, you'll get paid. Once everything is done with, don't worry.

Guy 1: But I need to get away from here fast. Once they catch on to the fact that I'm working for you, I'm dead. 

Guy 2: I have to move the girl again, don't want her mate finding her before I can mate her myself. So I'll call you when I get her situated and let you know where to pick up you're money.

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