Fire Pack

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Miles P.O.V

If I thought I was nervous going into the CAVE Pack territory, it was nothing how I felt going on Fire Pack territory for the first time. My wolf was even slightly nervous, which was a first for him, except when it came to Monique.

She was handling the situation quite well, acting as if this was all normal. On the outside I was a calm front but on the inside, I felt like I was on a roller coaster. The anxiety only growing as we get closer to my fathers territory.

It's weird knowing that all this time I had a real dad out there that loved me. When I thought that all I had was my mother and her sorry excuse for a boyfriend. It made me so angry thinking about all the shit they put me through, when I could've had a better life.

But then I think maybe I had to go through all those things. That maybe my life was on the path it was chosen to take and that if I'd veered just a little off course, I would've never met Monique. So for the sake of keeping her, I'm staying on this track.

We were driving up with Ant and Carmen, who still wasn't doing too good. The news was hard for her to swallow and I was thankful that she'd found Ant before this happened. There's no way she could get through this alone.

Mom, Marcus, and Ant's parents were following behind us, but they were going to their pack house and we were going to my dads. We passed Carmen and I's old houses and it was nice for me, knowing that would never be my home again. But passing Carmen's I noticed the tears forming in her eyes.

"Do you want to stop there?" I asked, just before we passed her house. Ant looked over to her and then back to the road. She looked back at me and nodded slowly.

We all got out the truck and you could feel the tension in the air. Carmen produced her keys but couldn't bring herself to open the door.

Ant grabbed the keys and opened the door while Monique led Carmen inside. Her tears were silently falling as she continued through the house.

"Do you need some time alone?" Mo asked cautiously.

"NO!" Carmen yelled. "Please don't leave me."

Her voice was considerably lower and we all could hear the hurt there. No one said a word as she cried out for the father she'd never see again.

The ringing of my phone disturbed the silence but looking at the screen I was compelled to answer. After a brief conversation, I hung up and the mood had slightly lessened. Meaning everyone heard my conversation.

"Ready babe?" Ant asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for everything guys. I really appreciate you guys being here for me." Carmen replied.

No one spoke, instead we let our love for her pour out in a hug. Walking out to the truck, I could still feel the sadness. But it was lighter, like somehow her pain had lessened.

Once we pulled up to the pack house my feelings were unbelievably calm. The nervousness turning to excitement as I proudly looked over my fathers property. Oh, well here goes nothing.


Carmen's P.O.V

"Carmen dear, follow me." Alpha Mike said after greeting us outside, then showing us around a bit.

I could feel her here and my wolf was howling out to hers. They were both in so much pain, that they could only comfort each other. I released Ant's hand and with a bit of reluctance, followed behind the Alpha.

He was very kind and I was glad it was him that brought me the news of my father's death. He told me that my mother and him were good friends in school and were up until she found her mate. I could see the sadness in his eyes, like he really felt sorry for her.

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