Chapter Seven

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I woke up the next morning in Vic's arms. His head was right next to mine and his arm was draped over my belly. I could hear his soft snoring tickling my ear. When I turned my head slightly, I could see the sweet innocence that he portrayed in his sleep. His hair glowed honey golden in the morning sun and his lips were slightly parted and looked so soft. The sight of him made my heart flutter.

A tiny voice in my head told me I should find a way to ease myself out of Vic's embrace, but I was simply too tired to move. I have had nightmares before but never have they been as intense as last night's. As I blinked in the morning sunshine, a few lingering tears escaped my eyes and found their way to my pillow.

Vic stirred and groaned, waking up and moving his arm off of me. I almost wanted him to put his arm back around me but I pushed the thought away. I must've been really exhausted. "How are you feeling?" Vic asked, his coarse morning voice bringing my back from my thoughts.

"Tired," I told him truthfully.

"Then thank your lucky stars it's Sunday," Vic chuckled softly. "Go back to sleep, I'll take care of Copeland," he added, getting off the bed.

"Thank you," I said, flicking my gaze to meet his. "You're the best."

"Aw shucks," he responded modestly and slightly jokingly.

I let the sound of Vic's activities lull me back to sleep again. The next thing I knew, I was roused awake by tiny hands moving up and down my body. There was some baby gibberish and the sound of soft laughter somewhere on my right. I opened one eye to find Copeland's head beside my shoulder as she gripped the sheets for support. Once she noticed I was awake, she cooed and laughed in her baby ways.

"Hey, baby," I greeted the cheerful baby, pushing myself up into a sitting position. "Oh my God, you're standing," I gasped when I realised how she managed to wake me up. "Good girl," I cooed sleepily, earning a proud squeak from Copeland as I picked her up from the floor. "You're such a good little girl. Good Coco," I mumbled as I planted a kiss on her forehead. I turned to Vic and asked, "When did she start doing this?"

Vic was sitting on the floor where he was watching out for Copeland before I picked her up from the floor. "Only just," he grinned. "She's still pretty pumped about it. Do you want something to eat? Coffee?"

"Coffee, please," I replied. "Thank you. What time is it?"

"Oh, only just past noon," he smiled at me from the kitchenette. "Breakfast?" He offered jokingly.

I declined his offers. I wasn't hungry. My body seemed to have shut down. I was numb from the inside out. Everything felt distant. Copeland was trying to get my attention, cooing and tapping on my arm. Apparently, she had gotten bored of sitting on my lap and wanted to explore the bed.

"Careful, baby," I warned her. She just laughed as a lump of blanket flattened under her hand and carried on her adventure. "Careful," I cautioned again when she travelled too near the edge of the bed, physically pulling her away. She giggled and moved forward again and I had to pull her back. I changed her direction every now and again but she cleverly spun her way back to her initial path.

We kept up the exercise until Vic came over with a mug of coffee. The scent of caffeine alone seemed to bring my senses back as I took slow sips of the hot drink. I still felt a little detached and a little numb but at least I could still taste and smell. Vic sat at the other end of the bed, entertaining Copeland and eventually setting her back down on solid ground. She seemed extra active this morning. Or afternoon. I've lost track of time.

Vic giggled at Copeland's antics and my heart skipped a beat. 


I was back to normal on Monday morning after spending most of my Sunday in bed. I arrived to work early as usual and I found Jack lounging in the back room with his feet up on the table as usual. I admit I was slightly reluctant to leave for work but I did eventually, after Vic repeatedly reassuring me that he and Copeland would be waiting for me at home like always.

"Hey," I greeted. "How was your long weekend?"

Jack twisted his neck back to look at me. "It was great," he grinned. "I, uh, I went on a date on Friday night." He blushed when he said it.

I raised my eyebrows. Jack never came across as the type to blush about his date. "Oh, really," I said. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"It's a boy, actually," he corrected. "His name's Alex. He has great hair, great style, and a great sense of humour. We had dinner, and then we just walked around town and enjoyed the nightlife. It was amazing. I'm seeing him again on Saturday."

I couldn't help but smile at how happy Jack looked. "He sounds great," I told him. "But I didn't know you were into boys."

Jack sat upright in his chair. "I know! Me neither," he said. "But I saw Alex one time in a record shop and we started talking and I just...felt something. And he asked me out and I said yes and that's what happened." Jack's eye grew distant as he trailed off and I knew he was thinking about this Alex guy.

"He sounds absolutely dreamy," I cooed, bringing Jack back from his daydreams. "Now it's time for work."

Jack's floaty, love struck mood maintained throughout the work day. His smile was a hint brighter than it usually was and there seemed to be a bounce to his step. His behaviour reminded me of the company I had waiting for me at home. My mind somehow related Jack's emotions to Vic. I'm not sure how it connected the two together and it scared me.

I couldn't be falling for him. I swore I would never make the same mistakes again. I didn't want to relive the pain of a broken heart. The thought of doing anything that would give me even the slightest risk of that agony should disgust me. I should be running away, avoiding it at all costs. But I wasn't.

Maybe this was all just an effect of living with someone. You'd get attached. Besides, I don't like boys. Or do I? Nah, it can't be. I was with Katelynne before and I've never had boy crushes in school. Vic and I were just close. But somehow, I still feel like there's something different between us.


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