Video 10- Twentieth Day

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This is Dr Hail and this is the tenth video and twentieth day of the Life Project. September 30,1990. Some amazing news before we start this testing, my wife found out that she's pregnant. I'm going to be a father!

In front of me is Allison Murphy. Mrs Murphy is 90 years of age and died from old age. This is the oldest human that I tested on.

At this moment, I'm hooking Mrs Murphy up to the shock system. So far, 65 volts is a good voltage to stay at. I worked on a new serum and today is the first I'll be testing it.

This serum will be going into an IV bag. No injection in the brain needed.

The serum is through Mrs Murphy's system. Since the result of Mrs Cardinal and part of her digestive system burned, I made another serum to work together with other serums. This serum will not let any part of the body burn.

Both serums are in, and Mrs Murphy is ready for further testing.

Going to give her 65 volts in one. Two. Three.

Damn it! The serum that help protect from burns failed. It did the opposite.

Examining Mrs Murphy, her fingers and toes have third degree burns. If any further shocking, the burns will go up her legs, arms, and body till nothing is left to burn.

Since the serum is in her body amd can't be removed, Mrs Murphy can't go on to further testing. Rest in peace Allison Murphy. Now I'm going to pray.

Amen. Using this white blanket, let Allison Murphy rest in peace.

Time to check Mrs Murphy's vitals. A good result that came out of this testing is that the spike of one heart beat increased one centimeter then the other testings since Mrs Cardinal.

Some success came out of this testing with a spike of action in her heart. This is Dr Hail and this is the tenth video of Project Life.

Author's Note:
This is a fun story to write. Artistic-Love has become like a sister to me. It's so much fun writing it with her.

We are starting to think of making this whole book video diaries and make another book with the story with point of views. But this is just a thought so don't get your hopes up.

Another thought is to make the whole entire story video diaries. We are still trying to make a decion.

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