Video 20- Thirtieth Day

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I'm Dr Hail and this is video twenty, day thirty into the Life Project. October 9, 1990. This is a human experiment.

I had tested serum five and it disintegrated the rat, also known as Cliff and rat number 5. Rest in peace Cliff.

In front of me is France Goldman. He died at the age of 50 from a car accident. This is the youngest person I have evr experimented on. Results may be different.

Today we are going to test serum three on Mr Goldman. It gave two heartbeats on Melon. Maybe it will give more on a human.

Giving Mr Goldmen the serum now. While waiting for the serum to be in his system, I'll hook Mr Goldmen up to the shock system.

A few minutes has past and the serum should be through his system. Mr Goldmen is hooked up and ready for the shocking process. In One. Two. Three. Shock.

There is no smell of burnt flesh. Examining the body, no discoloration of the skin. Looking at Mr Goldman's vitals, the was one beat. That's a start.

Today I'm going to try something new. I'm going to give two shocks in a row. But first, I'll be injecting more of the serum G.U.Q into France.

More of the serum is in Mr Goldmen. The shock system is ready in. One. Two. Three. Shock.

Five seconds has pasted another shock in. One. Two. Three. Shock!

There is no smell of burnt flesh and no discoloration of Mr Goldman's body.

Looking at Mr Goldman's vitals, there are five spikes in his heart rate. HOLY SHIT! FIVE!

I'm starting to make the conclusion that more shocks are needed. The serum G.U.Q is successful.

Since the serum helped with burn resistance and Mr Goldman's body is intact, I'm going to wipe the serum from Mr Goldman's system and inject serum four which is the K.M.E.

I have to make sure the G.U.Q is out of his system though. Mixing the two serums can be dangerous because I wouldn't know what would happen.

Using the machine that I call The Flusher, this will flush the G.U.Q out of Mr Goldman's system. This process will take about twenty minutes.

During these twenty minutes, I would like to show you my beloved wife Margret. Right now, we're going to head upstairs.

Entering the upstairs you see that we have entered the kitchen. Hey my love, what is for dinner.

What are you doing David? And to answer your question, I'm making alfredo for dinner.

Mr. Goldman is getting flushed and I have twenty minutes. I wanted to show everybody my beautiful wife. Smile for the camra sweetie.

Oh my gosh David, you are just something else.

You have a beautiful smile dear, and I got it again on camera.

Don't you have testing to do David?

Is twenty minutes up yet Margret?

I love you, now let this pregnant lady make her husband a wonderful dinner.

Love you too. Both you and my little boy.

How do know it's a boy, it might be a girl. And I think your patient is flushed David.

I hear the beeping, time to go back to work.

That was my wife Margret eveybody. Now, it's time to go back to Mr Goldmen.

I'm back and Mr. Goldmen is flushed and ready to be injected with the serum K.M.E.

Few minutes has passed and the serum is through Mr Goldman's system. The shock system is set up and ready to go.

Going for a shock in. One. Two. Three. Shock.

Damn it! The lights went out and it's dark. I'll get back to you guys with the results in the next video.


Oh shit. The all the power in the house went off and my wife's agree.

This has been Dr Hail on the Life Project. Video 20, day 30, October 9, 1990. And might be my last day on earth.

I'm on it sweetie!

Author's note:

I like this chapter. You got to know Dr Hail a little bit more.

It was hard doing the dialogue. I hope you guys understood who was talking and didn't get confused.

We're going with the video diary idea. It's something different.

And a special shout out to my best friend grodzp. Thank you for all of your support sista!

And the actor who would play Dr. Hail would be Jamie Dornan.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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