Chapter one: The Mistake

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"Okay, one, two and three." Elwynn paused a moment to readjust the thin, wire frame glasses perched on her nose. "Four!" She gasped as the potion she had been working tirelessly on burst into purple flames.
In panic she quickly poured the closest water vase onto the fire extinguishing it.
"Nettle seeds produce purple fire." Elwynn murmured to herself as she scrawled some scratchy notes onto the paper by her hand.
"Three day's work gone!" Elwynn let out a sigh as she took a step back surveying her work space.
The Sorcerer's guild would be furious to their noses if they had seen the damage she had done to the room they rented her.
Her papers and notes were strewn about on every surface in the room, and there was frog guts splattered onto the walls and ceilings; that had been a very interesting day.
"I am never going to be able to do this." Elwynn groaned as she buried her face into her hands, it had been her big chance to be accepted into the Sorcerer's Guild which was her dream since a little girl.
Elwynn, talented sorceress of the Wizards Guild, not Elwynn the creepy weird girl that stared at people awkwardly, she couldn't help it she was an awkward sort.
Events that had transpired prior to this moment had lead the guild to believe that she had mastered the ability to create a Potion of Vanishing, when to be truthful she had merely tripped and fallen into the student in front of her spilling water all over him in the grand hall.
This student however mysteriously poofed into thin air, and to this day she still didn't know where this wet student had gone. Unfortunately for her she had quite the audience of Sorcerers about and before she could explain what had happened they were hailing her as a genius.
Now she was a very shy and awkward girl who never seemed to be noticed, so with all of the attention she was receiving she didn't know how to speak up and tell them the truth and now she was paying the price for her actions.
"Another failure? Well naturally why would I even ask such a brainless question?" Sithid gurgles as he poked his head from the water vase.
"Quiet you worthless puddle!" Elwynn hissed at Sithid, the result of another one of her experiments gone wrong. A few months ago in an attempt to do a mere children's spell of turning water into ice for her beverage, she accidently brought it to life, and its name was Sithid, a pointless, insulting puddle of water.
"You keep pouring me onto your dreadful flaming potions!" Sithid stated defensively.
"Well at least it makes you useful somehow." Elwynn snapped back to Sithid as she rubbed the dark bags under her eyes. "I don't understand how this can be that hard to do, pixies turn invisible all of the time!"
"They aren't turning invisible you dimwitted girl, it's a natural camouflage that they have in their skin." Sithid scoffed as if offended by her lack of knowledge on the subject. "Different."
With Sithid being one of the oldest elements of the earth came a very irritating wisdom that never failed to make a sarcastic and or nasty remark.
"Then you do it!" Elwynn snapped back towards the small puddle of animated water.
"I don't have hands girl" Sithid replied offensively "I didn't think that actually required a response but I guess in your case it does."
Elwynn once again collapsed into her chair as she buried her head into her hands again, long red hair in complete disarray.
"Try the frog wart again." Sithid giggled in a gurgle sort of way "That ended well."
"Enough Sithid this is serious, do you have any idea what the Sorcerers guild would do to me if they found out I was a fraud?"
"Kill you?" Sithid said in mild amusement as his response.
"Maybe! I don't even know it's never happened to my knowledge!" Elwynn cried as she began to pull at her hair in frustration.
"I know, a childish tantrum that surely will work!" Sithid said sarcastically.
Elwynn hissed as she grabbed at the vase Sithid was in and began to shake it. If it were not for his wisdom she would have poured him down the toilet drain a long time ago.
"Alright, stop it!" Sithid gurgled as he splashed violently around the vase "I will help you!"
Elwynn stopped a moment to stare at him her brow raised in disbelief "Really?"
"Fine, the grand words of water wasted on a talentless human woman." He scoffed, Elwynn set the vase down as she focused on him.
"Talentless, thanks." She muttered, this wasn't what Elwynn had imagined when she made the three month travel to the Sorcerers guild.
Born of poor farmers her village was speechless as a baby born of bright red hair was birthed, the sign of a sorcerer; of magic.
However because of this fact she struggled to fit in with the other children her age and was teased constantly for her red hair and shyness, this was why when she hit seventeen summers old she left the village in an effort to be with her own kind, with other sorcerers born of red hair. She was finally going to fit in she had thought, oh how wrong she had been; still carrying the nickname of creepy awkward girl like a badge sewn to her head.
"I will help you with a weak spell of Vanishing, it will last only a few hours with how weak you powers are, you will not be able to create anything higher quality than that. I will help spare your pitiful life, simply in return for you accidently giving me mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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