Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jessie thought that maybe she was dreaming. Yes, that must be it. She never woke up to begin with and all of Mr. Frankfire's crazy rambling were too fresh in her mind when she dozed off.

The moment Mr. Frankfire had uttered those words the room she was in had ceased to exist. Although she could still feel her cot underneath her, she couldn't see it or anything else. It was like everything had turned to static. Colorful fuzzy static so thick you would think it was solid.

Time to wake up now, Jessie thought as she proceeded to pinch herself. Nothing happened. A feeling of dread went through her and in desperation she continued to pinch herself over and over with each one harder than the last. "Wake the fuck up already!!" She screamed out.

"You ain't dreamin' girl," Mr. Frankfire's voice came from somewhere within the fuzz.

"Mr. Frankfire? What's happening?!" Jessie cried out to the area the sound had come from.

"What did I say to you girly?" He asked calmly. How could he be so freaking calm?!

" You said it wasn't a dream. Okay I get that but then what the fuck is it?!?!" She snapped.

"No not that. What did I say to you right before it started?" He replied ignoring Jessie's hostility.

It took her a moment to remember and when she finally did it was so absurd that her answer came out more as a question.

"You said a date?"

"March 20th 1720. Pirates."

"Whatever. Just get a damn doctor or something! I think I'm having a stroke."

"Ain't no stroke girl." He said seriously. " It will stop if you repeat what I said."

"This is insane! Somebody get me a damn doctor!!" Jessie yelled.

"They can't hear you. Just do what I say and it will stop. It's the watch girl. Listen to me. March 20th 1720. Pirates. Say it!"

"Fucking shit! March 20th 1720!! Pirates!! Happy now you crazy ass...."

As soon as the words left her lips the room began to spin. The secure feeling of her cot beneath her disappeared and she fell. To where? She didn't know. The only thing that alerted her to the fact that she was even falling was the air whooshing up toward her face, and of course the dreaded stomach in your throat feeling that goes along with any roller coaster ever.

Her heart was pounding so hard that she was legitimately afraid it might explode and kill her. Her body shook uncontrollably at the overdose of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

She didn't even want to think about what would happen once she reached the bottom of whatever this was. Just as quick as the thought entered her mind her body slammed to a stop onto what felt like a rock.

"HOLY SHIT!!" She cried out just from the pure shock of it. Pain shot through her like a bullet, and she instinctively tried to turn over to alleviate some of it.

"Captain!!" A scratchy voice suddenly bellowed out from beneath her.

"What the hell?!!" She screamed as she scrambled backwards to get away. It was then that she opened her eyes and realized that, not only had the fuzz cleared away, but she hadn't landed on a rock at all.

Continuing to crabwalk backwards, she took in the features of a very large and very ugly looking man. As if his sheer bulk wasn't enough to terrify, the man's face could feature in a horror film. Skin so leathered it almost looked like he was wearing a mask was pulled tightly across his features. His hair was long and matted like some kind of wild beast and so much dirt was caked into it that she couldn't even determine for sure what color it was.

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