Chapter 7 ~ Guilt

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Chapter 7

The interior of the RV looked like absolute and total shit. The smell? It smelled like that absolute and total shit, took an absolute and total shit. It was shitty.

Plywood floors were warped in places, bowing up and dipping in like wooden waves. The Driver's and passenger's seat swiveled to act as seating for the small living space and a small bench along the back wall could be converted to form a two person booth to eat at.

All the chairs were covered in brown leather. Rips revealed yellow foam with concerning mold growing on it. Jessie didn't even want to think about what kind of advanced civilization she would find if she stuck a microscope up to that thing.

Old corduroy curtains covered the front windshield, while maroon colored mini blinds covered the other windows.

The sitting area backed immediately into a small kitchen complete with mini fridge, bunsen burner and a small sink.

A large smile stretched across her face. This was perfect. After spending her nights on a cot inside a shelter, this place might as well have been five star luxury resort.

Jessie walked through to the back and found a bedroom with just enough space that you climb directly onto the bed from the doorway. Plain white sheets covered the mattress and three mismatched pillows were scattered around the surface. A plain brown blanket was currently spread across a perfectly comfortable Bard.

"Sleeping will be kind of tight it seems." He said slyly.

Jessie took in his too large body dominating the space. His hands were rested behind his head and his legs were crossed at the ankles. He had a cocky grin on his face. This man was dangerous. Jessie knew that without even having to think about it.

No way in hell was she sharing a bed with him.

"Uh uh," She shook her head emphatically. "You're not sleeping with me."

"This is the only bed." Bard pointed out.

"You're a pirate. Go pirateer yourself your own damn bed."

"Where the hell would you suppose I could put it?" His eyebrow lifted in challenge. He didn't seem to have any intentions of moving anytime soon.

Jessie's jaw clenched in irritation. "There's a couch in the living room."

"One of my legs wouldn't fit on that thing!" He barked out.

"Not my problem." She gave him her sweetest smile.

"You're small. It only makes sense that you sleep on the couch."

"Nope. I take the bed." Jessie knew it was mean... she just didn't care. Maybe if he hadn't tried to suggest they sleep together she would have been nicer. Unfortunately for him, he was just like every other male and now Jessie couldn't give a shit less about where he slept.

"Why should you get it?" Bard argued. His eyes were narrowing in on her and his cocky grin was replaced with a set jaw.

"Because i'm a lady. It's only right for a gentleman such as yourself to give me the bed."

Bard let out a loud snort. "You ain't no damn lady!" With an agility Jessie couldn't believe someone as large as he could possess, Bard swiftly popped himself out of the bed and loomed over her. "And I sure as hell ain't no gentleman."

He was too tall to stand up straight and the result was his face being dangerously close to her's. "So tell me," he began, his breath wafting over her face. Jessie was surprised that it didn't reek. Weren't pirates supposed to have foul breath? Bard's breath was strangely minty. Bard hummed in her ear, sending an unwanted shiver down her spine. "What would someone who's not a lady, and someone who's not a gentleman do?"

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