Day 4

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I wake up, screaming. I don't remember the dream I had but, it must have been awful. My throat is sore and feels like it's on fire from the unnerving yelling that had overcome me. Very unpleasant. I get to my feet and stand. Only five more tributes left, including myself. Huh, I didn't think I'd make it this far. Only the boys from 1, 3, and 7, and the girl from 8. After their out of they way, I get to go home. And I will go home.

I had taken all of Mimi's things off her after she died. I needed them and I'm sure she would have wanted me to have them. I can't get the image of her limb body hanging from the hovercraft, out of my head. She was so young. Too young. I watched them closely as they lifted her up in the flying machine. Her light blonde hair was blowing gently in the breeze as they carried her away. I can see her now, as she's dying. But, I refuse to remember her that way. When I close my eyes, I'll pretend she was just sleeping. Yes. Sleeping. 

I shake the thoughts from my mind. This is too sad for me. I might actually have a break down, even though I can't afford it. I can feel the tears in my eyes now. I shake that from my thoughts once more, in an attempt to rid it from my head for good. I guess it's time to search for food. I walk around and keep my eyes locked on the ground below me. I see a green and brown iguana run pass me. I think I just found my breakfast. 

I slowly step towards it and stab it with Mimi's dagger, taking his head off and then his tail. Breakfast is served. I start a fire and cook it until it was almost burnt. I take and take a rather large bite out of it. It was amazing! Well, it's the best thing I've had in awhile or, possibly the entire games. After, I finished the lizard, I need a drink. I walk to a near by stream and sip some of the water. I instantly spit it out. Nasty! The water is unbearably putrid especially since I didn't boil it. But, this is all I've got. 

I hold my nose to block my taste buds. I gulp down as much water as I can take. I can still taste it but at least now, it's not as bad. I unplug my nose and gag because the taste of the horrible liquid still lingers. I vomit a bit but, I'm fine. Absolutely fine. 

I make my way back to camp. It's starting to get hot or, hotter than usual but, I pay no attention too it. It's not that bad. I mean, it's only a few degrees hotter. Or at least I think it's only a few degrees hotter. Never mind that, I'm going to take a nap. I'm already so wore out and it looks to be only about ten in the morning.I slowly walk over to the shelter I had created out of leaves, trees, and sticks. I get down and crawl into the fort that I call home and hide from the heat behind the leaves. It was getting hotter by the minute. I still don't pay any attention to it. instead, I close my eyes and rest my head. 

I soon find myself drifting to sleep but, waking up suddenly for no reason at all. I couldn't stop moving back and forth from being awake to a sleep. I close my eyes for what felt like a second and opened them to find that the heat had risen well over a hundred. It was probably 115, at the least. I couldn't even feel myself sweat. I roll up my pants so they now look like shorts. I lift my shirt a little above my belly button, hoping to relive the heat that the capitol had thrown at us. Nothing was working. 

I crawl out of the shelter. There before me, I see a mist. Guessing this was another one of the Capitols' tricks, I held my breath for as long as possible. That didn't last long at all though. I gasp for air and realize that the heat itself was the main trick. This mist, was the humidity. It kept getting hotter making it nearly impossible to get oxygen. 

I start to feel light headed and faint like. I took a deep breath but, almost no air came to me. I fell on my back. "I'm going to die of suffocation, aren't I? This is what they want. They want me to die." I whisper. I just lay there. "There is no hope for me, is there?" I mumble once again. 

I stare up at the trees and clouds. I had to squint because of the bright sun but other than that, it was almost beautiful. If you just take out the killing, extreme heat, and the psychotic people in control of it, this place might be nice. I begin to make shapes out of the clouds and let my childish imagination take over. Why not enjoy the little things? 

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