How could she just abandon us like that? Us. No, just me now. I've lost all hope for Mimi's return. It was just me... I personally don't think Emerson really knew what she was doing. I mean, if Mimi was still alive... She'd be Mimi's next target for sure. And, Hunter was thriving and her district partner. How could she refuse that? Did he threaten to kill us if she didn't go? I'm not sure. The point is she left us. That's all that matters now.
I sit down under a tree and let sleep grasp me. I fall into it, so easily. I know that there is no one to guard me or take watch. I dream about Mimi and how we should have stayed together. I dream that all of us make it out alive. That's how I know that I'm dreaming. Only one person comes out.
Suddenly, my dreams are interrupted by the ground shaking violently. My first thought was earthquake as I saw the cracks in the ground forming. Then water starts pouring out. It was strong and it pulled me away from where I was originally sitting. It was moving so fast I could barley get to my feet. Once I did, I put the bow around my back and the arrows in there proper container.
The water was now up to my hips as I tried to climb a near by tree. When I finally able to grasp a branch, the water was right above my belly button. I grabbed the next branch on the tree and tried to pull myself up. That however didn't work. I slipped and plummeted into the ice cold water. The water filled my lungs as I tried desperately to work my way up the tree. Thankfully, I grabbed on to a branch and pulled myself up. I was then safe. I climbed as far I could. On the way up, I coughed and threw up the water. I looked down at the water. It was slowly making it's way back into the cracks. Once it was all gone, I stayed quietly where I was. I wasn't going back down there. Instead I sat and quietly where I was. Careful, not to move an inch.