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"Hey guys, want some coffee?" you asked, going to the kitchen to make coffee. 

Gil: "Ja!" 

France: "I don't zee vhy not.~"

Ant: "Sure! What bad could happen?"


Lots of bad could happen.

"COFFEEEEEEE!!~" all four of you yelled. It was a caffeine party! There was some coffee spilled on the floor and couches, stuff was knocked over, and tomatoes were everywhere (thanks to Antonio).  

"WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!?" an English voice yelled. 

"Uh oh..." The BTT pointed at you, while you pointed towards the kitchen. 

Arthur had a scary aura. "(Y/N)..."

"BYE SEE YA'LL LATER!!" you yelled as you ran past the angry Brit.

Accurate description of me when I have coffee.

Hetalia + Undertale One-shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now