The New Kid, And The BIG Mistake

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So I'm gonna start a new story cause I got rid of 2 stories, so here we go! 

One more thing I want to thank my friend Ashley (Ashweeee) her wattpad name is Shlee053!


  Mason's P.O.V. 


 "Ugh!" I reached over and slammed my alarm clock making it shut up, I looked over to see what time it was, 7:30 AM. 

 "Mason! Get up! Your gonna be late for your first day of, your new school!" my mom yelled from in the kitchen, thanks for reminding me mom, first day at a new school, or should I saw my first day at my 8th school. It was in the middle of the school year, just great, everyone already knows eachother and wont like a new kid. 

 I got up from my bed, fixed my black hair and spiked it up in a mohalkish way, put in contacts and went to get dressed. Then grabbed my iPod touch and put in the ear buds and put on Get Up by Korn ft. Skrillex and went down stairs. 

 The reason why I am at my 8th school is because my mom can't keep a job and now she has a boyfriend and he let us move in with him, the guy is a douche he thinks he can boss my mom around like he is her slave and he always drinks and it bugs me so bad, but I have to deal with him cause he told me he's gonna propose to my mom, I hate his guts. 

Truth's P.O.V. 

"TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH WAKE UPPPPP!" my alarm screeched, my alarm clock was my phone and my best friend made that ringtone for me, today was just like any other day, I got out of bed went into the bathroom did my hair, put in exstensions and did my make up. Then I went back into my room and turned on my radio and plugged in my iPod and Get Up came on and I started singing right along and head banging

"I am clearly broken and no one knows what to do pieces of the puzzles don't fit so I'm coming into you itching is a pulse inside screaming out to come alive It's just you and I it's time to times are looking grim these days holding on to everything it's hard to draw the line" I sang along with the radio. 

Beep! Beep! Beep! My friend beeped the car outside for me to hurry up, I ran outside without saying bye like I always do and ran into her car. 

 "Hey Truth!" she hugged me once I got in. 

"Hey Kellie." I hugged her back turned up the radio to 50 and she drove to school. 

  "It's heartbreak warfare." Kellie sang along to the radio to John Mayer. 

Mason's P.O.V. 

 I pulled into the parking lot of the school, and got out and grabbed my backpack and thats when I saw her, she was beautiful long bleach blonde hair and it had black underneath and pink under her bangs she was so beautiful, I played with my snake bites as I watched her, her friend glanced at me then tapped her beautiful friends sholder and looked at me then she looked over, I smiled at her and she blushed. 

I rubbed my eyes and hit my bridge peircing, which hurt like hell, I started to walk over to her and her friend just as a guy walked in front of me and hugged her and picked her up off the ground and span her around, just perfect, so I started to walk the other way. 

 "Hey! You! Come here!" a femals voice said behind me and I turned around to find her walking toward me so I started walking and met her half way. "Hey, um I'm Truth," she giggled "Whats your name?" 

"My name is Mason." I winked at her and smiled.

Truth's P.O.V. 

 "Mason, huh I like that name," I smiled, he looked like Jayy from Blood on the Dance Floor, he is hot! Mason has all the name peircing as Jayy! "So Mason are you new?" 

 "Yeah, I'm new." he sighed. 

 "Oh, no wonder, I havent seen you around, haha," I played with my hair. "So whats your first class?"

"Spanish, is yours spanish?"

"Si.. no haha sorry mine is french." I bit my lip.

"Awh, its ok. Which period is your lunch? I have B lunch." he looked at the piece of paper in his hand.

"I have B lunch too, you can sit with me and my friends." I  pointed back to my friends and he glanced back there. 

"Ohh, haha so we should get to class." he mummbled.

"Yeah I didnt see what time it was, oops. I'll see you later Mason." I  hugged him and as I  pulled away I kissed his cheek. "Torie come on!" I waved at my best friend to hurry up. 

 "Comminggg!" she squeeked trying to run to me in her heals.  Torie was beautiful, she has chocolate brown eyes and long lashest and natural long hair, she was tall and skinny, not like me who was short and skinny. 

I turned around to look at Mason again, he was in the same spot as before and just watching me, it kind of freaked me out but I waved and he waved back and the left corner of his mouth went up a little, which of corce made me blush. 

French class went by way faster than normal, which was really weird, cause its my least favorite subject out of all of my classes. 

RING! RING! RING! The bell snapped me out of a day dream and on to the next class. 

I walked into band and set up my Clarinet and music and started to warm up by playing America The Beautiful, after about 2 times of playing that Mr.Ronnie walked in. 

He handed everyone a new music sheet for us to learn for the big performance in 3 months. 

Mason's P.O.V. 

3rd period, Math, UGH. I walked into class and went up to the teacher, just as I heard a squeek behind me and arms wraped around my waist, it was Truth I knew it. 

"Hey!" I said turning around and hugging her. 

"Im glad that your in this class! Come sit!" she grabbed my hand and led me over to a seat next to her and then layed her head on my sholder. 

"OK class!" the teacher snapped. "We have a new student," he looked at me, great I didnt want to get up in front of everyone, but I stood up. "Come up her boy and introduce yourself." he snapped, I walked up there and heard someone wissle.

"Hi, um I'm Mason and I just moved her." I started to walk back to my seat.

"Mason! Do you have a last name?" I can already tell, I'm gonna HATE this class. 

"Yeah, my last name is Schultz, happy now?" I sat down and rolled my eyes. 

After math it was lunch, at least I get to sit with Truth, and her friends today has been good so far. 


So i hoped you liked at and Schultz is my friend Ashleys last name ;) haha love u Ash and Torie and Shannon... so anyways I hope you liked it and a special thanks to Torie (Sparkly-Cupcake) for making the cover! 




Love you guys!!!!

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