Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to All of my wonderful fans!

Hey guys sorry I havent uploaded....I went to a resort for 5 days and I didnt have wifi so enjoy (:


Truth's P.O.V.

I walked out of the bathroom, and looked for Mason, no where in sight. I started walking just and arms wraped around my waist and a head went on my sholder, it was Mason.

"So?" he asked rubbing my stoumic.

"Im prego." I turned around and hugged him and started crying.

"Awh, babe. Dont cry." he played with my hair and kissed the top of my head. "Everything is going to be alright." he swayed back and forth.

"What are we going to do?" I sobbed in his chest.

"I dont know," he wispered in my ear giving me chills. "Lets go somewhere and talk."

"Where though?" he pulled me by my hand, I tryed to fix my smeared make up.

"You'll see." he pulled me out of the back door of the school and out into the forest where there was a river behind, and he sat down and pulled me onto his lap. "So what are we going to do about the 'package'?" he asked rubbing my stoumic.

"I dont know....I hate abortion, but I know if we chose adopton it would be hard to get rid of it."  tears welt up in my eyes.

"And if we keep it our life will be 100 times harder." he looked off into the distance, like he was thinking.

"I know, Im so confussed!" I yelled, a hand flew over my mouth, Mason looked at me and put his finger to his lips, telling me to hush. "Sorry."

 "Its ok," he removed his hand. "So are we going to keep it?" he looked at me with pleeding eyes.

"I dont know, I kinda want a obortion ." I mummbled the last few words, he looked at me in shock and I knew that wouldnt be what was going to happen.

~*2 weeks later*~

I looked in the mirror at my stoumic, already a little buldge. Great, I was really starting to not want this baby, but I still wonder what he or she would look like....I hope its a girl, or if its a guy I hope its like Mason. I smiled at the though of Mason and me having our own family, after that split second I knew I was going to keep it.

Mason's P.O.V.

I dont know what me and Truth are going to do... if she wants to keep it Im going to marry her.

"Hello?" I said picking up my phone from a unknown number.

"Mason, dude where you been?" Matt said.

"Um Ive been really busy."

"Busy? With what?"

"Nothing, why are you calling me from a unknown number?" I tried to change the subject.

"Reasons, so why have you been so busy?"

"Reasons." I replied trying to get on his nervs so he would hang up.

"I heard a rumor that Truth got knocked you and thats why you have been so busy." oh shit....did Truth tell anyone? She wouldnt I know her, she wouldnt.

"What? Where did you hear that?" I tried to sound like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Its all over the school, and when Truth came out of the bathroom crying, it made it obious." he chuckled.

"Um, shes not and everyone needs to stop talking about me and her." I hung up and threw my phone on the couch, a tear ran down my cheek, then I remembered about my mom and horrible step dad and that she was only spost to be gone for 6 days and its been 2 weeks. This is just perfect I though to myself sarcastaly. That asshole better not have hurt her or done anything to her or I sware to god I will kill him myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2011 ⏰

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