Chapter 2

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Im sorry I havent uploaded in yeah cause i went out of town an i just got back last night so yeah (:


Mason's P.O.V.

  "I love you." Truth wispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I kissed her and she kissed back.

  RING! The lunch bell snapped my out of my day dream. Dammit, it was just a dream. I walked down the hall toward the lunch room as I walked in I heard a small female screech benhind me I turened around to see Truth benhind me with her arms open for a hug.

"Hey Truth." I hugged her wraping my arms around her waist.

"Hey bab- Mason."

 I chuckled.

"Come on I'm hungry." she winked at me and walked into the very noisy lunch room dragging me behind her.

"Um Im not really hungry." I mumbled.

"So? Your still gonna go trough the lunch line with meeee." she made her voice sound like a little girl.

"Fine Truth." I grabbed her hand and she blushed.


"Where are we gonna sit Mason?" she pulled me close behind her looking around the lunch room for a empty table. "Oo! There!" she pointed to a table that was kind of in the back. Perfect. 

"Alright." I said sitting down, she sat down right beside me. And ate her chicken nuggets and took a drink of her water.

 She took a few more bites of her chicken nuggets and let me nibble on one and take drinks of her water. 

"DONE!" she screamed making everyone in the lunch room look at her, which made her blush. "Come on Masonnnn lets go walkkk."  she wined

"Fine Truth, but were are we going to walk." I stood up and trailed behind her. "What are we going to do now?"

"I dont know." she mumbled.

Truth's P.O.V.

I ran out the doors and span around taking in all the smells and sounds around me. "Ahhhh." I sighed and ploped down in the grass by a tree, Mason sat down beside me.

"Now that we are out here what do you want to do?" he asked smilying at me.

"Ummmmm I don't know."  I learned over on his sholder and he wraped his arm around me. He smelled good, like holister mmmm.

"Did you just smell me?" he chuckled.

"Why yes I did and you smell like holister haha." I said proudly he leaned down and kissed the top of my head, it made me tingle. I looked up at him and before I knew it our lips met he ran his fingers trough my hair. He pulled back at the same time. "Woah."

"What? Was it bad? Cause I can do better." he winked.

"No it was perfect." I leaned in and kissed him again.

"HEY! You two! My office now." Principle Arreguin (Ari-gwin) snapped. Dammit I though to myself

"Ughhhh." we grunted at the same time.


"Kissing on school campus...what are your parents going to say? And Mason its your 2nd day and your already kissing a girl, as for you Miss Ackerman, this suprises me. The whole time you have been here I've never seen you in my office..." he glared at us, me mostly and then picked up the phone and called our parents. I looked at Mason he looked back.

"What are we going to do?" I mouthed to him.

"I have no idea." he mouthed back. "Run?"

"That just means more trouble." I wispered.

"Yup." he winked.

"Your parents are comming to get you too...  they figured it would be best to separate you two for the rest of the day."  The principle smirked almost like he didnt want us to be together...

"Ok." I stood up grabbed Mason's hand and made him stand up and walked out and kissed him right in from of the door window were I was sure he could see.

"She said paint a picture on me, throw your dress up and your heart away yeah, I heard what you said.

A friend of a friend, these strangers at the party never paid and if that doesn't turn you on.

I'll keep talking till something does as we're covered in sand, you roll over and smile." I sang as we walked down the hall.

"What the hell are you singing?" Mason asked.

"Besitos by Pierce The Veil haha." I giggled and started singing again this time from the begging of the song. "You're my favorite explosion a violin with no hands plays symphonies with no words, a drowning boy with no voice prays someone up there's telling me, you'd better not get back up! I spit my heart into this red cup I'd better pick it back up, it might ruin your night And she said, "Baby, leave the water by the bed for later, and I woke up without a single drop". I told myself I'm tired of holding up your backup plans go down your list and be satisfied if all you have is not enough. Haha ok I'm done. I didnt notic that I know that much of that song...." just then the Principle opened his door and started to jog toward us.

"Crap! Run Truth!" we sprinted toward the door and ran into the parking lot.

"Where's your car?" I asked huffing

"The black camero." he said in a normal tone, he must be in good shape....


As we pulled out I saw my parents car pull in and I ducked.

"Babe, what are you doing?" he asked smirking, the way he called me "babe" made me feel all warm inside like a sappy movie.

"Hidding from my parents." I said sitting up.

"No need to worry the windows are darkly tinted."

"So where are we going to?"

"My house." he replied with a smile and kissed me.


Hay so I started this when I got back from my trip and now I have been back for 3 days....yeah I get distracted very easly... haha (: so I hope you injoyed and I am happy if you guys read all of the lyrics (: but you didnt have to. So tell me in the comments what you think of Mason and Truth (: thanks for reading!




Love you all!

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