Chapter 8

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So I'm going to start writing the chapters in bold because I think it looks better. Enjoy!
"Mommy I'm hungry" PJ whined. I sighed and took out a apple. PJ took it with his small fragile hands and bit into the cherry red apple. I'm not sure if I want to tell PJ about me breaking up with Nick. I mean he's been asking for his dad and I shouldn't just make his dad disappear right away. Man I was so stupid.

I decided to walk back to the lodge. It was far more safe then in the woods, for my kids at least. When I entered the lodge I looked around and saw no one. I walked into my room and saw Nick laying on the bed. I got mad. What made mad was that Ali was laying in the bed next to him.

"WAKE YOUR STUPID A** UP!!!!!!!* I yelled as loud as I could. They both woke up quickly and looked at me. Ali held onto Nick's hand for protection.

"SO I LEAVE FOR A HOUR AND YOU DECIDE TO BE WITH ALI!!!!!" I scream. Nick looked very guilty while Ali looked scared. They were so going to get it. I grabbed my gun and pointed it at them.

"I hope you two hook up in h*ll" I growled. Right as I'm about to pull the trigger I get a HUGE headache. It was so bad that I dropped the gun and fell on the floor. My vision got blurry. All I could see was Nick's feet rushing to help me.

Everything went black. I fluttered my eyes open and saw that I was in a mobile home. Wait!! This is the exact same mobile home we drove in when I was little! Maybe this is a flashback. Then that means Lee is here!

I look up and sure enough. Lee is sitting there. I smile widely and hug him tightly.

"Clem you're acting like I died and you haven't seen me for years" he laughs. Even though he meant it as a joke it was true. I rest my head on Lee's shoulder and fall asleep. When I wake up I see the ceiling. I turned and Nick was sitting on the bed next to me.

"Ali I can't believe I did that to Clem. I basically cheated on her" I hear Nick say. His voice is filled with sadness and guilt. I look up and see Ali holding Diana. OH H*LL NO!!!

I quickly jumped out of the bed and angrily snatched Diana from her. I can't trust the devil's daughter with my own daughter.

All the emotions that didn't hit me earlier hit me at that moment. Nick cheated on me.. The man I love cheated on me. The man who I have children with!!! HOW COULD HE?!!!

Tears poured down my face and I set Diana on the bed. I fell to my knees sobbing. I also felt someone rubbing my back. I look up and saw a familiar face that I thought I would never see again..


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