Chapter 1- Johann

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   My name is Johann Hipomakibaka, and I was born into jail, literally. My parents secretly had me and mysteriously found ways to keep me hidden from the jail guards. Apparently they were scared the guards would take me away from them. So I live underneath my mom's cot and I rarely come out. I eat my parent's food and I use the bathroom in a hole that my mom dug, the only entertainment I get is my parents, so you could say that I am fifteen and only have two friends, my parents. Well, until last month.

   It was the middle of the night and this kid, about my age, cute and strong and dreamy and... Okay, we get the point, he threw a book across the hallway to distract the guards. Then approached my parent's cell and whispered, "Johann? Johann are you in there?"

   It left me completely confused, no one knew about me but my parents. 

   "Johann, if you're in there, come out, I promise the guards won't see you, I've paid close attention, they're pretty stupid and won't figure out it was a book I threw for a few minutes." He sounded frantic, like he had just ran from a bunch of attacking monkeys throwing bananas at him. "Johann, I know you're in there, I know you're under your mom's cot"

   I gasped, no one was ever to know about my existing. "Come on Johann, don't pretend I didn't just hear you gasp."

   I was about to gasp again, but I decided it was a pretty stupid thing to do, but when I held back the gasp, I accidentally let out a cat's meow. 

   "What-" He said louder than he obviously meant to. He nervously glanced at the guards only to find that they were still observing the mysterious flying book. "Johann, come out!" He whispered angrily.

   "Gosh! You just got here and you're a complete stranger and only the third person that's ever talked to me and I'm refusing to come out and you're getting angry because of it, well the guards aren't the only stupid ones!" I whispered.

   He seemed too shocked to respond. "I... I-" He tried to say

   "Got you there, sucker!" I yelled. "Oops" I yelled again realizing my mistake.

   The guards looked up from the book and started to walk to my parents cell while the boy ran behind a wall and pretended to be a guard. When they got there, I realized my parents woke up when I yelled. I sucked in air and held my breath like I was told to do when guards approached. 

   "HIPOMAKIBAKA!" The guard yelled. "What are you up to?"

   My mom got up from her cot and said "I was sleeping, what are you talking about?" She looked truly confused. 

   The guard eyed her cot and said, " Well, don't do it again."

   When the guard left, she looked under her cot at me and I pretended to be asleep. My mom shrugged and went back to sleep.

   When the boy came back he threw another book to distract the guards who scratched their heads in confusion and left to investigate. "What is the matter with you?" He said angrily.

   This boy was annoying, has he even realized that I've never talked to anyone but my parents? I grunted and scooted out from under the cot. I walked up to him and punched him square in the nose. He held his nose and whispered, "I was trying to help you escape, to give you a life!" I punched him again, right in the mouth. " I do have a life you idiot." I said in fury, I felt like punching him again but held back when I realized he said he could help me escape. "Wait," I whispered. "You can't help me escape!"

  "How can you not you're literally stick thin!" He exclaimed, gesturing with his hands to my waist. " You could literally walk straight through the bars of this cell! How stupid are you, Johann?"

   I punched him in the nose again, "Sorry for being born into captivity and not getting a proper education. Were you also born into captivity? You're also a bit stupid." I whispered bitterly.

   He shook off the question and said, "whatever, come on," and held out his hand. 

    I stepped right through the bars with no problem, just like he had said. Now that I was free, and closer, I noticed that his black, almond shaped eyes were so dreamy that I could just jump right into them for a midnight swim. And that his black, straight hair was just so beautiful and fragile that if I even touched it, it would break. And- Stop. This is not the time. I looked back at my parents and realized that they were staring right at me. "Bye," I whispered.

   My mom shrieked and my dad yelled, "NO!"

   The guards looked at me and the boy and yelled something I couldn't hear over my beating heart. 

   The boy yelled, "Johann, run!" Or something like that, I couldn't tell. I ran after him and he found a hidden emergency exit door and ran out and outside was a vehicle with a giant ball and a long tail with a little bump on the end and a stick with a ceiling fan on top.

   "It's a helicopter, Johann." The boy yelled. "Now get inside, we have a lot of explaining to do."



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