Sleep over!

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We turned the lights off  and start to watch the movie,half way throe the movie I felt tiered but I knew that I could get to the end of the movie. When the movie ended I turned the lights off and I could see Dan's eyelids slowly start to close.

I walked over to Dan and helped him up letting him lean on me "come on let's get you to bed" I just heard a mumble, I asked which bedroom was his and when we got there I tried to gently place him on bed witch turned in to me land ing on top of Dan.

Tiegan: oh sorry Dan.
Dan: are you going home?
Tiegan: you'll find out in the morning by that I mean I'll be on the sofa I giggle
Dan: hear you can have mi bed I'll have phil's Dan says attempting to get up.
Tiegan: I push Dan back down on to his bed and say it's fine Dan I'll sleep on the sofa I say turning off his light walking out  the room.

( the reason I'm not sleeping in phil's bed is because it's rood and its up to him not me or Dan - I haven't got Phillis number)

I walk back in to the living room and find some thing to use as a blanket I get my jacket that is still a little damp,lay down on the sofa and let my eyelids gently close letting me drift off in to a light sleep.

--Dan and Phil--Where stories live. Discover now