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  • Dedicated to Lost lives from storms

Clash! Crash!

Lightnings flash.

Drip. Drop.

Raindrops hop.

Zip. Zoom.

Thunder booms.

Birds are calling,

While leaves are falling.

Leaves on trees

Get thrown on streets.

Soar. Roar.

The wind screams more.

The storm is near.

In fact, it's here.

Power goes out,

The neighbors just shout.

It is so dark,

You could hardly walk.

Street lights fall,

While bugs struggle to crawl.

You live by the beach,

You turn white as bleach.

You spot a mad sea.

Waves made kids' knees weak.

Waves stealing,

No one healing.

Some can't swim,

Some lose a limb.

Houses tear down.

Down to the ground.

Families have no home.

Nothing to do but roam.

In search of help,

Some try to yelp.

In the storm,

A tornado forms.

People are swept

Off their feet.

Because it just crept,

Without a peep.

Lives were lost.

Things were tossed.

But many died,

In that tornado ride,

Or the hurricane tide.

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