Complete and Utter Boredom

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So I'm actually at a sleepover party and I'm kinda bored cause the other two don't have the same interestes as I do so now I'm gonna talk to you guys.

Lexi and Emilee

How are you guys doing?

good, good

If you are doing bad I'm sorry and I hope you get better or whatever is going on in your life gets better.

Im doing fine.

(I feel weird having a conversation with people I don't and do know)

(these thoughts that run through my head WOW)


I went and got my school schedual(I can't spell DON'T JUDGE ME) and I got my Chromebook which I am and am not using for this chapter.

FYI: When I say that I mean I'm using a Chromebook but it is not mine so yeah.

Well I got a Schedual and I got the Algebra 2 Honors teacher I wanted for Second Semester. YAY!

I've noticed that I put a lot of gaps between my sentences, and phrases.

I have also noticed that I use so a lot. So deal with it lol ~O-O      those are glasses by the way.

Back to school....................... I have nothing else to say about that. 


Well i stopped writing for a few minutes to help Lexi to the Sweatshirt chicken thing. Yeah that. When I get back on my Ipod I'll post the link to the how-to video and post Emilee helping Lexi which that one was a fail.

I'm gonna go now cause I think that we are getting ready to play Clue.

I hope you guys read this, and I hope to see (or talk rather to you soon)

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UPDATE: We were just talking about how GAY Joseph Smithey.

^That was for you its_Lacey_lynn LOL


^ HAHA Creeper noises 

Ahh you can see how bored I am 

Welp I'm gonna leave for realz

UPDATE 2: I finally figured out a name for the chapter

Was: I'll Figure Out a Name Later

Now: (Well if your not a complete idiot then you would have seen the name when you started reading this chapter)

UPDATE 3: I have a summer reading project that I should be doing right now but instead I'm doing this.

I have to read a book that I've barely started then write a 400-500 word paper on ONE question of my choice off of a paper.

That is due 8/24/15

I have less than a month.

I'm such a procrastinator.

UPDATE 4: This chapter 441 has words.

My new record I think.

The size of the paper I have to write.

That might not be so hard I just have to start.

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