Electricity - Part 2

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"I'm Dylan." The boy said. His voice was deep and smooth. You swallowed your courage and managed to lift your head and loon at his face. Oh. My. Gosh. You could FEEL your eyes widened as they met his. His hair was a brown so dark it was almost black. It was touseled and messy but it still looked clean and kept. His eyes were a medium brown. Somewhere in-between the color or caramel and chocolate. Wow.

    You felt your face flush as you realized you had been staring at him too long without replying. You smiled genuinely for the first time that night. "Nice to meet you Dylan."  Seriously Y/n? 'Nice to meet you?' Thats the best you've got!

    Dylan smiled at you with his eyebrows scrunched like he was trying to figure something out. "Would you like to dance with me?" Dylan held out his arm and wiggled his eyebrows, lightening the tension. You giggled and took his arm. "I'd love to."

   Dylan led you out to thr group of people and you spotted Alyssa's dark brown curls bobbing from somewhere across the room. She was with a different guy than she had left you for which didn't surprise you very much. You shook your head slightly. At least she was having fun.

    You turned your attention back to Dylan. He had stopped in the middle of the floor. He met your eyes and smiled crookedly stirring something inside you. He let his elbow detach from your and he started to dance. You blushed again because you were self-conscious that you wouldn't be as good as him. I mean sure, he wasn't amazing but he was pretty good. You eventually let yourself go and started dancing alongside him. Your awkward bounces soon turned into a smooth rhythm as you let yourself take in the music. Dylan's eyes never left yours.

   "I never caught your name!" Dylan shouted as you danced.

    Omg duh!! How could you forget to tell him your name!! You mentally kicked yourself but opened your mouth to respond. "I'm-" you stopped short. You could feel your body stop dancing but you didn't really acknowledge it.

"Woah are you okay?" Dylan reached out and put his hand on your arm. A shock went through your body from where his fingers brushed your skin and you were pulled back to reality enough to register what you were seeing. Jason, heavily making out with another girl. He had her completely pressed to the wall with his hand roaming her body. This must be why he broke up with you. Because of her.

    You felt tears blur your vision and you blinked rapidly trying to keep them from spilling. Again, you weren't even sure that you even really cared about Jason it just hurt that he left you so fast for someone else.

    Dylan still held your arm and you could feel nerve ending light up everywhere his fingers had brushed. You didn't even know you had the ability to feel electricity like that. His brows had furrowed together in concern as he followed your line of vision to see what had upset you. His face softened a bit when he saw Jason and the other girl, but there was more to it. Disappointment? You couldn't tell.

    You peeled your eyes off of Jason and that girls scene and focused back on Dylan. Your arm was getting warm from his touch but in s good way. You continued blinking in an attempt to push back the tears gathering in the forefront of your eyes.

    "I-I think I need some fresh air." You pulled away from Dylan and the feeling of electricity shifted into just a warm ache. Like your body physically missed his touch, which couldn't be possible considering you only just met him 10 minutes ago.

    You pushed through the crowd of people to get to the door that led to Jason's balcony and even though you didn't turn and look, you could sense that Dylan was right behind you.

    You reached the door to the balcony and put your hand on the knob like you had earlier. It was even colder than the other knob, sucking the heat right out of your palms. You exhaled and yanked the door open, stepping out onto the wooden balcony.

   You ran right to the edge and leaned against the railing staring out over the yard. You could see the tree you had often climbed together, the swingset where you had your first kiss, the flowerbed where you had said the first 'I love you.' Your eyes swam with tears and you felt one glide down your cheek, making its way to your chin. You could hear Dylan opening the door to the balcony and his sneakers slapping the wood but it didn't really register in your mind. You waited and tilted your head down, watching the tear fall 20 feet down into the green grass below.

   Dylan walked over to the balcony and stood about 2 feet away from you. You could tell he was just trying to give you some space and you appreciated that, although you wouldn't mind if he touched you again.

    You brought your hands up to your face and hastily wiped your tears and rubbed your eyes in an attempt to make yourself look decent. You knew you probably just smeared a good deal of your makeup but oh well. At least it was waterproof.

    "Are you okay?" Dylan put his hand on your arm and you jumped. He had been quiet the whole time you were trying to compose yourself and you almost forgot he was there. Almost. A tingly feeling shot through your veins. It felt like all the nerves around his hand ignited in excitement.

    "Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine. I mean, I am fine. Er, yeah. Definitely fine." You rambled.

    Dylan raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure because I think that was the most unconvincing answer in all of human history."

    You laughed at his reply and felt some of your sad feelings begin to drift away.

    "Yeah." You breathed. "Yeah I'm definitely okay." You smiled genuinely at Dylan and after studying your face for a second, he seemed to believe you and he smiled back.

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