Part one-chapter 3

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Five days later, Deirdre opened her eyes to bright morning light breaking through the windows of the old Italian ice shack. The damp air still smelled of blue raspberry and watermelon, with a small scent of vanilla. She smiled, remembering the faint vanilla smell of the soft clouds in Heaven. Lifting her head up, she threw the knitted quilt off her legs and stood up, cradling her elbows to counteract the chill. Her hair was still wound tight in its braid. She still wore her knee length white dress, the fabric still clean and crisp despite their long journey into New Jersey. She pulled out her duffel bag, and reached inside until her hand felt the soft leather of her Bible. Just touching its smooth surface reassured her and made her feel safe.
"Watimisit?" Said a groggy voice. Deirdre turned around and looked at Simon, his caramel-brown hair strewn about his head. Deirdre answered him. "It is eight thirty." Simon yawned, moving from his perch in the window sill. "Cool. So, what's for breakfast?" Deirdre resisted the urge to roll her eyes- she still was having trouble with Simon's notorious eating habits, while she hadn't eaten in ump-teen years. Though the boy probably tried to eat nine servings of every meal, he was still tall and slim.
      Gathering up the blankets and old pillows off the floor and shoving them into her duffel bag, she grabbed Simon's hand and shoved him out of the shack. "Okay," she said, handing Simon the beanie he had left on the floor. "We need to get moving. We may be able to make it to Virginia by tomorrow if we get to the interstate and catch a ride." Simon nodded, though she could see that he was not very happy about it.
"Alright," he said. "But, just wondering, why are we hitch hiking? What if we get kidnapped or brutally murdered or something?" Deirdre didn't even look him in the eyes, but kept walking. "I've got it all under control," she answered with a small smile. Simon sighed, and followed her.
A few hours later, Simon and Deirdre were sitting on the sidewalk of the over pass, a small handwritten sign that read "Virginia". Deirdre knew they couldn't ask anyone to take them too far, it would be quite rude, and besides, once they were in Virginia they could track down the Curse and her minions, the Lonely. Simon removed his beanie, scratching his head. Looking over, Deirdre noticed a small scar on the top of his hair. "What's that?" She asked. Simon looked up, his hand frozen on his head. "W-what?" Deirdre smiled, and moved her hand to the white scar, and she felt Simon flinch under her touch.
"Oh," he said. He looked down. "Umm, well it's-it's a-"
"A scar. From your surgery." Simon gasped, his beautiful eyes wide. "How did you know?!"
Deirdre's sad smile seemed to reassure him. She answered with a soothing voice. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Because I'm an angel, she said to herself. Simon sighed.
Deirdre reached out her hand and placed it on his. "I know the surgery didn't work, but God will help you pull through." Simon's green eyes met hers, and his fingers intertwined with hers. "Thanks for letting me join you on your journey. I may not know exactly what it is for, except to retrieve a missing woman, but I'm glad you let me come. You're pretty nice, Deirdre." At that moment, a nice sized black pickup truck pulled up beside them, and a man with a black goatee and a straw cowboy hat looked down at the pair. Deirdre immediately tore her hand from Simon's awkwardly. The man smiled oddly. "Y'all need a ride?"

In a few minutes, Deirdre and Simon were seated in the backseat of the truck, the driver blaring Kenny Chesney. They had learned the man's name was Alfred. Alfred addressed the two teenagers. "Well, kids, where ya from?" Simon smiled a crooked smile. "Well, sir, we're from New York City." Alfred nodded. "Interesting. And why are y'all off to Virginia?" Before Simon could answer, Deirdre slapped her hand over his mouth and said, "My aunt is sick. She lives near the Virginia Tech campus. My friend here is accompanying me. My parents are waiting for us there." Alfred nodded again, his brown eyes flickering back to the kids. "I see." Deirdre tensed. There was something in his voice.... Malice. Hostility. She placed a hand on Simon's arm and gave him a look that clearly meant something's wrong. Simon nodded. Keeping her muscles tense, Deirdre leaned back against her seat, keeping her eyes fixed on the back of Alfred's head. She saw something. A flicker of black, and green slotted eyes. Demon. At that moment, Alfred morphed into a large black snake thing, it's green eyes boring holes into Simon and Deirdre. Simon froze, and Deirdre lunged at him, opening the door and dragging Simon out. The demon flung himself out the door, and the truck was sent flying where it landed right beside the teens. Deirdre stood up and grabbed her staff, looking fiercely at the demon. Deirdre, Angel of God, it hissed in her ear. You and your friend cannot defeat me. I am a servant of Lucifer. Deirdre shrieked and brought her staff upon the monster, snapping its head back. It hissed again. Stupid girl. Deirdre felt her stomach lurch. Simon. The boy was lying on the ground, a flood of crimson blood pouring from his mouth. He looked dazed. Deirdre's attention turned back to the demon. But it wasn't there. Simon groaned, and she knelt beside him. "Deirdre-where is it? Are you hurt?" Deirdre make a surprised sound. "You loom awful, and you're worried about me? Here, put this against your mouth." She handed him a white cloth. She looked down at him, and instantly felt awful about dragging him into this. "The demon is gone. It is returning to the Curse. It is going to tell her our plans." Simon gasped.
"Demon?! The Curse?! Deirdre, tell me what is going on?" Deirdre sighed.
She began to tell Simon her mission.

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