I'm a wolf slayer??!!

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Me: Hi minna! Okay this picture is to show the children in the last picture. I'll explain what they look like and everything so don't worry.

Natsu: No dip Sherlock.....

Me: HEY!! Watch it mister unless you don't want to dig your grave

Natsu: H-hai, um Happy can you do the Disclaimer?

Happy: Aye Sir!!!  Fairytaillover234 Doesn't own Fairy tail, Hiro Mashima does!!

Me: Now back to the story...



Natsu and happy slammed the door opened yelling for help while carrying an unconscious Lucy. Everyone stopped what they where doing to find out what the commotion was about, when they saw lucy, they all started to panic and started to rush to get things while some of the others asked what happened and to get Porlyusica.

While everyone started to ask natsu and happy what happened Erza had shushed everyone up and started to command everyone what to do because right now the guild was in a state of panic. " Everyone SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!!! Natsu I want you to take Lucy to the infirmary, Everyone needs to stay quiet until I'm done giving out orders. Mira! Go with Natsu and happy to the infirmary, I also need wendy, I'm going to go get Porlyusica now GO!!!" After she was done giving orders, she gave everyone a death glare and started to head to the guild doors but before she reached the door, Wendy came rushing in with a very annoyed Porlyusica. " No need to mina I got her!! Come on, Lucy needs help!" Wendy started to head to the infirmary with Charla and Porlyusica right behind her. Once they reached the door, Wendy and Charla headed inside while Porlyusica shouted to everyone in the infirmary besides Wendy, charla and mira," Why did you drag me here with all these filthy Humans....GET OUT NOW!!" Erza left without saying anything but happy and Natsu ran out without saying," H-hai!" While this happened, Master stepped out of his office and headed to the infirmary to remove the spell.


Makarov's POV:

"*sigh*" I stepped out of my office once I was done speaking to Koji and sora; Lucy's younger siblings. They've been coming to my office asking about lucy about 3 weeks ago, when I first met them, I learned that they where in their wolf forms. It's been a month since they came to look around. For the first week all they did was observe everyone's behavior towards her and how she acted towards them.

I sighed once again before going to the infirmary to see what they are doing before I remove the spell that was entrusted to me by Layla, Lucy's mother. I walked in to find that wendy was trying to find ways to remove the spell while mira went to go get Levy to help research the spell. I walked over to Porlyusica who was looking out the window which was at the other end of the Infirmary, away from Lucy and wendy. " You know something about the spell, am I correct Makarov-san?" She asked while looking at lucy before looking at me, " Hmm... of course I do. I knew this day was going to come soon. Although, we're going to need someone to hold her down." My face turned hard and serious when I thought about the side effects after the spell was finished. " Hold her down? Why would we need to keep her down?" Erza asked me while she walked towards wendy to carry her out of the room. " Before I explain, I'm going to need gray and natsu here to help pin her down. Once wendy is done resting, I will need her to heal lucy afterwards. Can you also tell everyone to continue what they were doing and to not worry?" " Yes master" Erza picked wendy up an placed her on a bed next to lucy's, she then went and called to everyone to continue what they were doing and that gray and natsu reports to the infirmary immediately.

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