Chapter 3

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I had seriously underestimated this place. As we walked in I could see just how big this place was on the inside. Ariel was standing beside me and I was sure her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. I laughed at her expression and dragged her inside towards everyone else. It was the time I was dreading, choosing electives and majors. There were just so many options, how was I to decide? After an hour of pondering and a lot of whining from Ariel, I settled on a photography major and dancing and singing as electives and creative writing as an after school activity. Ariel picked ballet as a major and creative writing and the piano as electives.

We got our dorm keys and left and I couldn't help but notice the way all the girls were gawking at Jordan. "You like him, don't you?" Said a heavy spanish accent.

"What? No." I wondered how she got to that conclusion. "Then why are you starting at him" she asked and I told her I wasn't staring but she wouldn't budge. She was almost like Mel in that sense, one she decided something she wasn't going to change her mind, so I gave up on trying.

Our dorms where a few doors away so we went to our own dorms before which she made sure we were meeting for dinner, because we didn't really know anyone else and I agreed not really having another choice. I really didn't know what to expect when I opened the door so I just shut my brain and unlocked the door. It wasn't too big but wasn't a cramped little cardboard box room either. I set my bag on one of the beds and looked around. There were two single beds and two tables, two huge wardrobes, a dresser and a bathroom. Not bad I thought to myself. Just then a petit girl with strawberry blond hair walked in. She was dressed in a short yellow dress with some really hot wedges to add the extra height she needed. She also wore a lot of junk jewellery. She introduced herself as Nora and was very amused at the fact that my name was Prada. She told me she's been studying here all her life and she seemed fun, I had a feeling we'd get along well.

It was soon dinner time and I'd unpacked nearly most of my stuff but the closet was still tiny for the amount of clothes I had. Nora seemed to have the same problem as she laughed and told me that she over packs every year. We both were totally into fashion in fact her major was fashion design. This place just kept getting better. Soon it was time for dinner and we were suppose to eat dinner and break fast in campus every day and were allowed to eat lunch wherever. On weekends only breakfast was on campus and then we were suppose to eat outside. There were plenty of cafés and restaurants around as well as lots of shopping places too.

Nora dragged me to the dinning hall where she introduced me to all her friends. There was Ryder, Sasha, Natalie and Josh. Josh was a photography major too. He was cute with his messy hair and "I'm a wise man" T-Shirt. I instantly knew we'd be good friends.Sasha and Natalie were dancers and were both super tall and Nathalie had the whole hip-hop/ street-Jazz look going on whereas Sasha looked more like a ballerina. Ryder was a poetry major. He was tall, well built and had the face of a Greek God. He looked quiet hot. They all seemed interesting but I soon realised that I had to meet Ariel for dinner and rushed out to find her just walking in with some other guy. When she found me at the door, she introduced me to the guy who's name was Zach. She was blushing so hard I thought she would burst. We walked in and I took my queue and left. There was some amazing food so I took the time to serve myself generously and went back to Nora's table and sat down. I was told that the opening mixer was tomorrow night and since it was the first event I had to make a good impression. I'd managed to understand the hierarchy of this place, it surprised me that Jordan was the most popular but who was I to judge. I went back to my dorm with Nora making a mental note to ask Ariel all about her dinner. Things I'd learnt by the end of my first day:

-I had made 8 friends in the first day. :)

-Nora was an amazing photographer.

-Ariel and Zach were already hitting it.

-Tomorrow was going to be amazing.

The night was a little less happy. I felt very home sick and missed all my friends so much. I texted Cam hoping he was awake.

"You up Cam?"- Prada

"'s London?"-Cam

When I told him it was an arts high school he totally freaked out and cursed me for leaving him to deal with math and science alone. I then told him all about the school and the people and he told me how much everyone misses me and that Channel was good. I was so tired after the flight and everything that I fell asleep in no time.

A/N- Sorry for the sucky chapter :(

I had to introduce everyone.

Love and French fries ^_^

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