From London, with love.

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Laying on the beach near my private beach house, clad in my all time favorite bikini, I looked like a typical seventeen-year old California girl, a brunette with long super curly hair, a golden tan, I was super tall and not too skinny but I wouldn't say I was fat either, with Stacey and Melissa by my side and an afternoon of nothing better to do.

"I'll miss you guys so much" I said. "Don't worry girl, we'll Skype like every single day."

I knew we wouldn't. I've seen enough movies to know that once I move, everybody will move on and so will I, thought I might be a social reject at first but then I'll make some friends and live my life . "Sure" I muttered not wanting to explain to them what my head was yelling on the inside.

My iPhone suddenly started to buzz, "Hey Sia" I yelled walking away from my friends. Sia was the only person in the world who truly got me, it would be an understatement to say we were just sisters, it was like our brains had the same wiring from the inside. "Hey Prada, what you up to?" She asked excitedly. "Chilling on the beach with Stacey and Mel. You?"

"I'm at Buenos Aires, this place is so beautiful, anyways mom told me your moving to London, why haven't I heard of this ?" She quizzed.

"I'm NOT moving! Just because mom wants me to move, I can't leave my life, my school, my friends besides I'm old enough to live alone!" I yelled.

My mom was either way never home, always off on some business trip with dad, and my sister was more of a nomad, she couldn't stay in a city for more than two months even if you paid her. She was always off to cool new places and bought me stuff from like all around the world. So, I practically lived alone most of the time.

"Oh honey, change is a huge part of life, you aren't going to understand the circumstances, just bear with mom and move" she said.

"No way in hell" I yelled and hung up, I thought she'll help me convince mum from moving but now the only person who I thought would help isn't going to, I was doomed.

I made my way back to my room muttering insults to everyone under my breath. Stepping into my room, I was thinking to myself as to how much I would miss my beautiful room, all the paintings, my humongous walk-in closet, thinking of which how was i going to fit all of my clothes into my trunk? I am not leaving any behind. I refuse to leave any of my precious clothes behind. I was obviously going to take Chanel with me, Chanel was my puggle, a mix between a pug and a beagle, I loved her more than anything in the world, the only thing I loved more than her was my camera. I start packing 'cause Sia told me I have to leave tomorrow, she says she got me into an amazing school there in London.I picked up my phone and dialed the only number I knew by-heart "Aggghhh amazing school, my foot!" I yelled. "I don't wanna go to some super strict boarding school in england, I wanna stay here with my best friends, in my house, hardly ten-feet away from the sea."

"I know, I know, You think I want you to move? Hell no. First of all, Calm down. Now make the best of it. You know you have to go , so try thinking about the err... amount of shopping you can do there, and the photo opportunities !" said Cameron. That boy sure knew how to calm me down. I smiled and said "You are one hell of a bestie" , "I know I am." came the reply and he hung up. Cameron was my best friend since 2nd grade, he was used to all my random out-bursts and mood-swings. He was also freakin' hot, but I never liked him that way. In fact, I din't really like anyone that way. I mean seriously I think all this Love and mushy-ness was crap, 'Cause it's always a girl likes a guy, the guy likes someone else or if the girl and guy like each other there's some deadly secret in the mix that confuses everything and someone always gets hurt, even if they end up together, there are so many sad, sleepless nights and ups and downs in between that don't make the happy ending really worth it. My phone buzzed disrupting my flow of thought.

From London, with love.Where stories live. Discover now