A/N - about the votes...

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Okay, I've gotten a few votes here and there mainly from my account on fanfiction.net (where the original story was published) many are opposed to Yaoi but there are some that want it. So... I will be writing one - shots featuring different pairings, with the most popular ones through voting, including the first placed pairings for each character and Yuki if you want to see her with someone else, being turned into one-shots in a side story called 'Per il Romantico - For the Romantic' which I will publish, featuring Yuki's and Kyoya's meeting, once I've finished writing at the 2nd chapter and a good number of votes had been accumulated. Also, you can vote for as many pairings as you wish but only one vote for each pair! You can also request lemons or fluff or limes or whatever later on once I start the side stories but I've never written anything but fluff so...

Prompts/plots are also welcome! ^^ I'm writing the first chapter right now, hopefully it'll be up to my standards and be published soon...I'm really slow so please bare with me! I welcome any and all suggestions and comments so please feel free to review!
~ Nuvola

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