Chapter 4: Bathroom BJ's and online pedophiles

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I picked at the food in front of me. My face was clouded over by a look of pure disgust as my fork dissected the mushrooms on my plate. I wanted to throw up at the look of the squishy creatures that were laying in the brown sauce. There was nothing in the world that I hated more than mushrooms and I couldn't stand the thought of having one anywhere near my lips.

"Honey, aren't you going to eat?"

I half glared at my mom as I grumbled back an answer. "I hate mushrooms."

"Be a man, lil boy. Just eat and be quiet." Dad pretended to be playful since there were other people around us, but I knew he was half serious.

My dad's words did nothing to me though as I continued to feel repulsed by the mushrooms. How could people even eat those slimy things? Their texture was like what I imagined raw livers to be like. Absolutely repulsive.

Suddenly I felt a foot slide up my leg slowly underneath the table. I let my eyes drift up to see what it was or rather who it was. On the other side of the table I saw the familiar blond boy, sitting with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my plate. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I started to stab my food again to pretend I was unaffected by his touch.

I should've known it wouldn't stop him though. Soon there came another touch against my leg and I couldn't stop myself from looking up again. He chuckled quietly and nodded his head towards his right, in the direction of the bathrooms, obviously suggesting something. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed and I was pleasantly surprised to see that - in fact - no one had. He'd been a bit incautious a few times before so I didn't really trust him with acting discreet.

I gave him a subtle nod that had him stand up and walk away towards the bathrooms within twenty seconds. I decided to wait a couple of minutes so that no one would notice anything before I stood up from my seat to sneak away from the big table filled with people.

"Took you long enough." I felt a hand grab my waist as soon I entered the mens bathroom, almost giving me a heart attack.

I glared up into his ocean green eyes. "You could've given me a warning."

"I don't do warnings." He leaned down and captured my lips, giving my bottom lip a tiny nip. "Your parents dressed you in this?"

He pulled at my tie teasingly, as he looked my suit over with critical eyes. "Don't talk about it, please."

"Whatever you say, cutie." He snickered and let his thumb stroke my chin lightly before he dived down to get to my lips once again. How had this even happened, I'd never understand... Evan was my dad's friend's son. He was two years older than me and we'd known each other since a few years back. Well, "known". We weren't particularly close. We mostly just used each other for the purpose of our personal pleasure. Mostly sexual pleasure that was.

We didn't meet that often, maybe just a few times a month, but at least we got a bit out of it. No feelings attached, just fun.

I entwined my hands behind his neck and leaned up. I pushed my lips against his, adding tongue in it right away since there was no point in going slow with him. He moved us into one of the stalls before slamming the door shut and locking it, all this while our lips were still pushed together.

He pushed me up onto the toilet seat and took two rather firm holds of my thighs. They were supposedly his favorite "assets" of mine, his words. As usual he took his time massaging them and feeling them up, but like always I eventually got tired of his strange worshipping.

I closed my legs behind his back, pushing him roughly into me, causing gasps to slip out both of our mouths. I wasn't sure how far I wanted to take it this time, but I knew I needed something that only he could give me for the time being.

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