Chapter 2: Fake hugs and a bottle rosé.

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I stiffly walked up to my dad who had called me over. The tailored suit my mother had been so excited to dress me in took uncomfortable to a whole new level. It was obviously high quality, but that didn't seem to make it any better. It wasn't just the fact that the structure of it was horrible, but suits weren't my thing. I had practically grown up in them and it never seemed to get better wearing them.

My dad took a grip of the navy tie, roughly pulling it into perfection like the pro he was at it. With a stoic expression he looked down at me, brushing away all wrinkles from the suit, gaze never meeting mine. I had unfortunately seemed to inherit my mom's height. My dad was like a majestic lion at his 6'3 while I was standing beside him like a small ant at my 5'7.

"Daryl, Kaiden! Time to leave." My moms eager voice came from the door. There was a huge contrast between me and her when it came to these events. I absolutely hated them and she loved them. Loved being the trophy wife of the wealthy and successful Daryl Wilson. To be fair, that was probably why she married him from the beginning. Money and fame. I really did love her to bits, but it was a true fact.

We walked out of the big mansion, mom and dad in front of me - mom hanging off my dad's arm like a koala. A white limousine was parked outside of the gates that guarded our house.

The drive to the hotel where the dinner was being held was boring. Mom and dad didn't allow me on my phone and still they didn't talk with me. Instead they poured up two glasses of red vine and sipped on that until we had arrived.

As usual we were greeted by the hosting couple, who I this time didn't know. Every female did the usual; "oh, hey it's so lovely to see you. Your dress is amazing" and all the faked hugs. Thankfully it was just handshakes between us males.

Dad disappeared with mom on his arm over to some of their closer friends, leaving me on my own. Before we had left Levi had texted me, telling me that he'd be here as well. He was one of my closer - pretty much only - friend that I had. We'd met on one of these dinners a few years back and had bonded over our shared hatred for them. It had made us pretty tight. As tight as I had ever been with another human anyways. Nothing would ever come close to the bond I had with my cat...

I looked around for Levi, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone with as bleached hair as him. It took some time, but eventually I spotted him - looking bored with a glass of what looked like red wine in it. At least he was old enough to drown his boredom with alcohol.

"I was just looking for you, man." Levi said as I walked closer to him. I eyed his glass longingly. "Want me to steal a bottle for you? I got a pack of cigs."

I nodded and turned around. "Let's meet outside in three."

I looked around to make sure that my parents were out of eyesight so they wouldn't see me leaving, before I walked to the exit.

My gaze searched for a place where we could sit without anyone seeing us and quickly I spotted a dumpster some distance away. My parents would be so proud of me for spending my afternoon behind a smelly dumpster...

"Yo, wait up." I looked back, as I walked towards the dumpster, seeing Levi and his white hair hurrying towards me. "I couldn't find red wine, but I managed to get half a bottle of rosé. You better be satisfied with it, brat."

"As long as it's alcohol, I'm pleased." I snatched the bottle from his hand, quickly opening the lid.

"Woah, man. I want some too..." He rolled his eyes as I started downing the liquid, way too quickly. He yanked it away from my mouth and glared at me as he slumped down on the ground, back hitting the green dumpster.

I watched as he put down the bottle and let his hand search through the inner pocket of his suit jacket - pulling out a pack of cigarets. He popped out two as well as the worn out lighter that he'd need to replace sometime soon.

We lit the cigarets and both of us relaxed against the dumpster. I'd have to look for any type of dirt on me later. Didn't want mom going nuts on me for ruining my new suit.

"You didn't happen to bring any weed?" I instantly saw the answer written all over his face.

"Sorry, man. I smoked the last I had last night. I promise to have some the next time we meet though." I sighed, but nodded. We sat in silence for some time, taking turns drinking some of the slightly bitter alcohol and finishing our cigarets.

"How are you, man? We haven't met in awhile now." I considered what to answer to his question as I took a big inhale of the cigaret. Either I could lie and tell him that I was fine, or I could be honest and tell him that life sucked.

"I'm okay." I decided to go with the first option.

"Are you sure?" He raised one of his eyebrows, taking a swig from the bottle, obviously not convinced by my answer.

"I'm sure." I took one last drag from the cigaret he'd given me, before crushing it against the cold pavement that was currently freezing my ass off, but anything was better than being inside there.

Levi put on some shitty rap music on his phone and we sat in silence for an unknown amount of time, a lot longer than I'd originally thought though. We took turns drinking the rosé until the bottle was empty except for a couple of drops in the bottom of the glass bottle.

"What's the clock?" Since my parents had forced me to leave my phone in the car I was unable to check it myself. With a bit of struggle, he pulled his phone out of the front pocket of his dark blue slacks.

"7:03." My eyes widened.

"It's already been an hour?" I could see Levi reacting to it as well.

"Well, shit... Apparently."

"Come on! We need to get in there before dinner starts. You've got some gum?" I stood up hastily, and holy, alcohol must have affected me more than I had originally thought it would. My head was buzzing and I lost my balance for a second which made me have to grab onto the dumpster for support.

Levi chuckled as he pulled out a packet of gums, handing them over to me. "Light weight." I rolled my eyes and popped in two gums, just in case...

"Want some cologne as well?"

"Nope, got that covered already." I pulled out the tiny glass bottle from my suit pocket and sprayed a couple of sprays. "Do I smell like cigarets?"

He leaned over, sniffing my neck before pulling back and shrugging his shoulders. "Can't smell anything."

I rolled my eyes at his goofy smile. "You were the worst person to ask... You've probably burnt all ability to smell."

"And you had someone else to ask?" He had a point. We walked back inside just in time as everyone seemed to take their places around the tables.

"My family's sitting over there. Enjoy your meal, man!" Levi gave my back a clap before walking off in another direction. I spotted my parents as well and walked over to them. They hadn't even seemed to notice that I'd been gone.

We were served some meat that I didn't know the name of - neither did I like it. As soon as I put the knife in it blood sipped out. I could almost feel the barf work it's way up my throat as I watched a small pool of blood form underneath the meat. Thank god there was potatoes served with it. Potatoes were one of my favorite foods and I could pretty much eat an unlimited amount of it. It was just that good.

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