chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As I walked through the door of my next class, I almost turned around and walked out when I saw Megan sitting in the back, texting. I stopped. 'Don't be a wimp Dusk' I thought to myself. I clenched my teeth and balled my hands into fists as I walked into the room once again. I sat in the other end of the small classroom, sat down, and dropped my bag onto the floor with a thud. I checked out the classroom and pulled my sweater off, it was really hot in the classroom. The walls of the class were painted the same color as every other room in the school, a light cream color. It was very boring. I noted that the teacher was nowhere in sight, and the bell had rung fifteen minutes ago. There was a big green chalkboard on one of the walls of the classroom and a shelf full of history books. At that moment, the door of the class was opened, and in walked a tall woman of about forty with brown hair that was tinged with gray tied up in a bun and a navy blue pantsuit that clung to her in the most unflattering places. "Hello class" She squawked loudly. 'Oh my gawd, how am I going to survive?!' I thought with a cringe as her voice grated in my ears.

The bell rang for lunch and i sighed with relief. I couldn't take anymore of that teachers voice. And it didn't help that she couldn't stop talking either. I grabbed my bag and sweater and practically ran out, almost knocking over a few innocent bystanders on my way to the lunchroom. I walked into the large room and scoped out a table. As I was lookking, my eyes skimmed over peoples heads and zoned in on a table. A table with two certain people at it. Megan and Carson. Megan was squished up against Carson tightly, whispering in his ear and rubbing his leg. I almost gagged, she was just so pathetic. I then decided to put Carson out of his misery. It couldn't have been fun to have her all up in his personal space like that. I closed my eyes tightly and put my hands out in front of me, palms up, and summoned my flame. A few seconds later I heard a loud ear-splitting scream and a thud. I opened my eyes eagerly to see the extent of the damage. On the floor in a pile, was megan and three other people. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. Megan stood up slowly and angrily, her fists clenched at her sides, giving the whole lunchroom a good and unwanted view of her unders. (underwear lol) "Carson Grey, why did you push me?!" Megan screeched "I-I uhhh" Carson stammered, looking confused. "We are over!!" she screamed in his face, making him flinch back. She stormed out, and her "friends"  followed her. The room was silent for a moment, then everyone erupted in laughter.

I was walking to my car when someone stepped in front of me and blocked my way. I looked up to see that the 'someone' was Carson. He stared down at me. " hey, your name is Dusk right?" he asked, looking honestly curious. I nodded my head yes. " Right well my name is Carson, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?" I stood there, my mouth hanging open. He wanted to go out with me already? Usually it takes  at least a week for my projects to start noticing i even existed, but if I did go out with him I could learn more things about him  to use to  my advantage. "Okay, when?" I replied, looking up at him through my eyelashes. His chocolatey brown eyes lit up  like christmas lights. "Umm friday at 7:00?" He asked uncertainly. " sounds good." I responded. "okay, see you then." He turned around and walked off, his curly brown hair bouncing with his steps. My heart was beating hard against my ribs, trying to break free and fly after him. I immediately scolded myself for thinking that thought and feeling that way. I was feeling like I was going soft, so I Decided that I needed to go and inflict pain on someone to get out my frustration and stop the warm feeling in my heart.


hey!! thanks for reading!! i want to dedicate this chapter to my good friend Maira =D Thanks for giving me the confidence to write this chapter!!!! luv u all!!

remember to:




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