Chapter 4!

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Heyy it's me!! I'm uploading again (obviously) so please comment if you like (or if you don't like, I need all of the tips and criticism to help lower my self-esteem even more ;))


And just to clear this up for the future, there are other paranormal beings in this story.... Ones who are also assigned to do things to some other students (who shall remain nameless for now) and you will only find out about everything if you keep reading ;)

Luv ya ~ <3


Recap of chapter 3


" Dusk." the flame angel called, in such a cold and emotionless voice that it chilled me to the bone. I stepped forwards with fake confidence, it couldn't be that bad, could it? He looked me in the eye and took my cold hands into his warm ones and bowed his head, motioning for me to do the same. After a minute or two, he lifted his head and let go of my hands. I immediately miss the warmth on my fingers. I watched him carefully as he placed his hands in front of him, palms up and closed his eyes. He looked to be concentrating really hard. Suddenly, a blue flame shot up out of his hand, licking at the air hungrily. I watched in awe as he cupped his hands over the flame, encasing it in them.

'why isn't he crying out in pain?' I thought with confusion. He brought his hands towards my chest. He whispered a couple sentences in a language that I didn't understand, before slowly bringing his hands up and placing them over my heart. The immense heat ws unbearable. Suddenly I was falling. Falling down into The flames, the flames that had been waiting for me sinMce the moment I was created. Everything turned black. I was a true dark angel now.


Chapter 4


I woke up abruptly and looked around me confused, until I realized that I was still in my bed and that I hadn't gone back in time to those horrible flame ceremonies. I sighed deeply and dropped my head back down onto the pillow, staring up at the ceiling for a few minutes until I got bored and decided that I needed to get up. I thee the blankets off of my body and slung my legs off the bed so that I was sitting upright. I rubbed my eyes, barely managing to stifle a yawn.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my hair, I loved my hair. It was so long and soft and smooth. I left my hair down to dry and went to go get dressed. I rifled through my drawers quickly before grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans, a light blue off-the-shoulder top with a pink tank, and quickly put them on before brushing my teeth and grabbing my bag. I quickly tied up my light-blue converse and headed out the door. i walked out onto th recently paved sidewalk and headed to school.

I entered the school about ten minutes before my first class and headed down the busy hallway to my locker, carefully avoiding bumping into people. When I reached my locker I unlocked it on the first try and opened it, placing the items that I didnt need in the locker and taking the ones that I did. I then closed my locker and headed to my first class, calculus.

I sat in my seat staring blankly ahead of me at the teacher that I had tuned out, and willed for the day to be over when something hit the back of my head. I immediately snapped out of my daze and turned my head around sharply. Shooting daggers with my eyes at the person behind me. Megan.

"what do you want?" I hissed at her irritatedly. She gave me a dirty look before responding.

"Meet me outside in that alley beside the school today after school." she hissed back at me, looking like she would rather be anywhere else. I was about to object when the shrill sound of the bell ringing cut me off. I groaned inwardly when Megan said "see ya there" in a snotty voice, as it was obvious that she had won. I didn't bother going after her and complaining, she wasn't worth my time anyways. I stood up and headed down the hallway to my last class of the day.

the final bell rung and i slowly got out of my seat. i defnetely wasn't in a hurry to go see megan, spawn of satan. i put my textbooks in my bag and slowly headed out to te back of the school. i walked to the alley and looked around. Megan wasnt in sight. i frowned and walked over to the end of the alley where an old, dirty bench was and sat down. suddenly, as if from out of nowhere, a ratty looking homeless person with a large hood over there head, concealing their face appeared near the end of the alley. the person walked towards me and lifted their hood off of their head. when i saw their face, my black eyes widened in surprise and I gasped. He smiled at me, showing pearly white teeth and said

"So we meet again, Dusk."


HEY!!!! so i FINALLY posted another chapter!!!! im soooo sorry that im taking soo long to post :( but thanks to al of the people who got me devoted enough to actually write this one :)



or both ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2011 ⏰

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