The Wild West is a Dangerous Place

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(AN: HEY GUYS, NEW STORY! YAY! Anyway, this story might be a little confusing at times, but that's okay because everything will be crystal clear in the end of this long haul. Anyway, hope you like the concept of this idea and this chapter and you read future chapters. Talk to you at the end of this chapter!)

The Wild West-verse.

The double doors swing open, the cold night air freezing the stale air of the bar. The sound of heavy boots fills the silent area as two men walk across the floor.

"Sorry fellas, but we were just closing up," Dean announces as he wipes dirt from the bar, not bother to look up.

"Sorry, but we really just need a room," a deep, gravelly voice replies. Dean looks up, intrigued by such a deep voice. Dean's green eyes are met with sapphire blue eyes, and Dean forgets how to breath as he takes in the tall (yet shorter that Dean) blue eyed, dark haired man before him.

"Hey," a short blonde man snaps his fingers. "Snap out of it, we need a room!" He commands, Dean looks down at the shirt blonde man.

"Hey Sammy!" Dean yells, turning his head towards the stairs only two metres from him. "We got some guys wanting a room!" Dean adds, he turns to look at the two men before him, though he is only looking at the tall one.

Shuffling and clunking down the old and possibly quite dangerous stairs is heard and Sam appears next to Dean.

"Can I get your names please?"

"We're the Novaks, I'm Gabriel," the shorter of the lot says, noticing Sam. "And my bro here is Castiel," he gestures to the blue eyed man that Dean has hardly stopped staring at.

"Do you want a drink?" Dean randomly offers to Castiel more than anyone.

"I though you said you were just closing," Castiel responds.

"I can always through another scotch on the table," Dean leans on the bar, cloth over his shoulder.

"Well in that case," Castiel sits on a bar stool, "I'll have one," he says.

Dean stands and pulls out a scotch glass from under the bar, spins around and pulls out a scotch and pours it into the glass, pushing towards Castiel.

"Dean, don't you think we should show them to their room?" Sam hisses in Dean's ear.

"Why don't you show short stack? I'm sure he's interested," Dean waves Sam away.

Sam huffs and pulls a bitch-face, "do you want to see your room?" Sam asks the petite blonde.

"Sure thing, but can you quickly get a large glass from the bar? Because you are a tall drink of water," Gabriel flirts smoothly, and the only reason why Dean noticed was because THAT WAS HIS BROTHER THIS SHORT GUY IS FLIRTING WITH.

Dean notices Sam's slight blush.

"Hey maybe you should get a plate, short stack,"Dean quickly cuts in. He does not want anyone flirting with his baby brother, especially someone who just strolled into this side of the west.

"Dean, it's okay, I'm just going to show him to his room so he can show his brother later once you're done with him," Sam replies.

Dean huffs and pouts a little, Sam walks away, Gabriel following and leaving Dean and Castiel alone.

"So what brings you to this side of the desert, into this rusted old saloon?" Dean asks, his usual cool and collected head and voice in play.

"Running away I guess," Castiel replies with a shrug, he brings his drink to his lips and sculls half of it.

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