Not the Space Academy You Know

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Space Academy-verse

Gabriel shuffles into one of two lines, his brother Castiel stands next to him as a red haired woman enters the room.

"Alright right rookies, I'm Captain Abaddon, your leader and instructor during your time here at the space academy," the red haired woman explains. "Now I expect-" she's cut off by two men stumbling into the room.

"Sorry Miss," the tall, lanky, sexy, moose-y one says.

"Yeah, sorry sweetheart," the shorter of the two adds.

"Just get in line," Captain Abaddon snaps, the two boys rush into a line.

"As I was saying, I expect you to be good students. No half assing, no excuses, no nothing! On time and on point, that is what is expected of you," she starts. "Now, there are tight rules here, besides the expected. If you score lower than 80, you will be dropped from the program. But, you can be dropped as you go a long. If you drop lower than 60 during your training, you will also be dropped. I'm warning you, if you do not meet these expectations, you will be dropped. Now for rules. If you are caught doing anything bad, you will be dropped. If you engaged in sexual activities with someone here, and you are discovered, you will be dropped. We don't need your stupid teenage hearts getting all caught up. Yes you can date someone here, no you can't engage in sexual activities. If you are caught cheating, you will be dropped. If you are caught in an out-of-bounds area, you will be severely punished. Do I make myself clear?"

Everybody nods.

"Good, now sleeping arrangements. You will have the student corridor as your sleeping quarters. You will also have a room mate who has been allocated to you," Abaddon pulls out a list from her pocket.

"Charlie Bradbury and Joanna Beth Harvelle, you will share room one. Lucifer Morning-Star-" Abaddon rolls her eyes at his last name, "and Michael Cohen, you will share room five. Meg Masters and Ruby Cortese, you will share room three. Gabriel Novak-"

Gabriel now suddenly pays full attention at the sound of his name, and he was interested in who his room mate will be.

"And Sam Winchester will share room two."

Gabriel quickly scans the room for who ever reacted to the name 'Sam Winchester', Gabriel sees the tall, sexy Moose react. Gabriel smirks to himself, he was going to have so much fun with this sweet piece of ass.

"Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester will share room four. Balthazar Roche and Ash Harvelle will share room six. Adam Milligan and Samandriel Alfie Johnston will share room eight. Chuck Shirley and Benny Lafitte share room nine. Becky Rosen and Bela Talbot will share room seven. That is all, you are dismissed. Oh, and the student corridor is to the left of here," Abaddon shoves the paper back into her pocket as the scape rookies go to leave.

Gabriel hangs back, not wanting to push past people and fight them to get out. He spies Sam Winchester out of the corner of his eye, so gathering a little courage and confidence, Gabriel strides over.

"Hello," he says smoothly to the Moose, who turns around looking at his eye height, then drops his head to see Gabriel.

"Hi," he awkwardly replies, a smile, forced smile on his face.

"I'm Gabriel, and I heard we're bunking," Gabriel shoves his hand in Sam's direction.

Sam takes the hand, "well I'm Sam, and I believe that we're in room two," the Moose responds, they drop their hands from the shake.

"So what do you suppose we go check out our room?" Gabriel offers, Sam nods, "yeah, sure."

The two slip out without that much fuss, most people had left already.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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