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Before i start this fictional story, I just want to say that all of this is complete fiction. Quite frankly, I am shit at geography. And this book is based in the states (I am from England and I know literally nothing about it). So, please ignore my bad geographical skills. I might say something stupid like 'Miami is ten minutes away from New York' but you don't need to point out my errors because 1) in from England 2) my geography teachers shit and 3) it's fiction! Furthermore, I am using some help from the film 'The Blair Witch Project' bc this story has a slightly similar storyline. Anyways, without further ado- enjoy bitchatchos xx

(Holly on side - played by Emily Rudd)
Holly's POV:

I groaned and turned over in my bed, slamming my hand on the alarm. I really could not be bothered to sit in a camper van for 6 hours with the 5 of the most annoying people I've ever met. I could tolerate Frankie, Mila and Evie but not Kendall and the boys.
I didn't agree to this whole 'tumblr friendship goals yolo time of our lives camping trip' (that's what Ashton referred to it as, anyway).
It was the start of summer, and I intended on spending it in my natural habitat (my bed) watching Netflix, eating junk food and reading fan fictions. But that took a drastic turn when my super social butterfly friends decided to rent a camper van and travel round the states.
I could imagine how Ashton wanted this to turn out like: all of us in a tumblr looking camper van, listening to some indie music and laughing. But in reality: the camper van was about 50 bucks to rent, it was an ugly browny green colour with no tumblr potential whatsoever, we would all be arguing, Luke would probably take up half the room (due to his extremely long legs and a quiff that is like, 9inches), Kendall would be complaining all the way and there was no radio to play any music. I was so excited (note the sarcasm).

After a pretty successful shower (although I slipped twice and cut my leg when shaving), I started to get dressed. Considering I would be sat in a camper van for six hours, I decided to throw on some leggings, a navy blue sweater and my trusty black converse. I sat on my phone for a good hour browsing my tumblr and Instagram seeing as I won't have Internet (trust me, it took a hella lot of persuading to get me to come).

I was in an intense fanfiction reading session (smut scene) when I heard music blaring from outside. I groaned instantly knowing it was Ashton and his 'colour-of-shit-not-tumblr-at-all' camper van. I rolled out of my cocoon, quickly fixing my messy bun that I was rocking today. It looked like a birds nest but it was the best I could get after about 16 tries of attempting an effortlessly cute messy bun.
"See you soon, Dad" I said, kissing my dads cheek. I wasn't a hugely affectionate person, but I was really close with my Dad. "See you soon Hollybobs, stay safe! I love you" he said embracing me in a bear hug. I chuckled. "Love you to, Dad" and with that- I took off out of my internet redeemed home.

Short chapter but, Holly is my fav omg. Be expecting a lot of chapters from her because I feel like she is one of the main main characters. Lots of love - Sophia💜

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