Chapter 3

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I was awoken by the sound of thumping above my head, the couple who lived above me having their daily argument that would end up turning into make up sex within the next 30 minutes.

Groaning in annoyance, I shoved my head into my pillow and covered myself with my duvet before rolling on my side and looking out through my bedroom window.

Mrs Crocker's cat, Ginger, was peering through the glass at me. Mrs Crocker was the lovely old lady who lived in the apartment next door. She was nice and occasionally brought over homemade cookies or whatever they were baking on the cooking channel that day.

Peeking at the clock on my nightstand, I read the time as 12:30pm. I could feel Ginger judging me from outside the window.

"I thought we had already established that I am in fact lazy" I retorted to the ginger tabby, "Every morning you judge me, and every morning I don't care."

Throwing the bed covers off my body, I climbed out of bed and walked to the window, opening it so Ginger could slide his way in like he does every morning.

"We can't make a habit of this, Ginger." But we both know it was too late for that.

The tabby cat followed me to the little kitchenette where I switched on the kettle before pressing play on the ipod dock on the counter; the familiar sound of Green Day filling the room.

I wish I could say I was one of those people who got up early in the morning to go for a run before dropping by a local coffee shop where the workers knew my usual and everyone smiled as I ran past in my brightly coloured running clothes before I got home, changed into work clothes of some sort and headed off to a very grown up and sensible job.

But no, I was not one of those people.

My daily workout was dancing around my kitchen to Jesus of Suburbia, or whatever song happened to be playing, in my kitchen wearing pyjamas and fluffy socks while Ginger the cat sat on the kitchen counter.

I stopped dancing when the kettle's ding sounded and I poured the hot liquid into my cup, the sweet aroma of coffee filling my senses.

Waiting for coffee in the morning was the most unbearable task in the history of tasks.

There was a faint knocking at the door. Putting the kettle back on the stand, I turned the music down before sauntering over, Ginger the cat once again following not far behind me.

"She's gonna find out sometime Ginger, it might as well be today" I sighed down at the ginger tabby.

But when I opened the door, it wasn't Mrs Crocker. It was Luke.

He was leant up against the door frame, biting his lip and playing with his lip ring. He smiled when he saw me.

I face palmed.


I had totally forgotten that I had made plans with Luke today and now here he was standing right in front of me in his Dr Martens, ripped black skinny jeans and a Green Day shirt. Meanwhile, I was stood in front of him in my pyjamas which consisted of a plaid shirt, oversized underwear and fluffy socks.

I mentally applauded myself for screwing up every chance I maybe could have had with this gorgeous human stood before me.

"Hey" he smiled, his blue eyes twinkling with the reflection of the light.

"Hey, I totally forgot I had made plans with you, I feel like such an idiot right now" I sighed, slapping my hand against my forehead.

He laughed breathily.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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