I cannot believe it!!!

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JiYun's POV

OMG!!! I could not believe who I just flipped over. It was Sehun the boy I just met today! I quickly helped him up and made sure he was ok.

Kai: What the hell did you do to my friend?!

JiYun: your friend?! what?! You guys are friends?!

Sehun: Yeah! he was the guy that was also supposed to hang out with us today but how do you guys know each other?

Kai: we got arranged to get married by our parents

Sehun: WHAT?! WHY?! HOW?!

Kai: oh its ok maknae I can just divorce her!

Something that Kai didn't know was that I was recording the whole conversation. I was determined to get evidence so I could divorce and show how disgusting of a son he is to his parents. Then I glared at him and got into a taxi and left. Honestly, even though I don't like him his actions still hurt me because I do have feelings just not for him.

Sehun's POV

Their getting married?! What?! What did Kai do to deserve a girl like JiYun?! But it doesn't mean that I have to give her up. I mean their relationship doesn't look that good. Then she got in a taxi and left but Kai didn't go after her. He just walked away and got into his car and drove away. WOW! They definitely don't have feelings for each other.

Kai's POV

I just don't like that girl JiYun like she hangs out with my friends and hurts them and was about to leave me. I mean I saw her leave the cafe. I don't understand how my parents could pair me up with something like her! Ugh!!!
I just got into my car and drove back home pissed off.

JiYun's POV
I  was sitting on the bus feeling extremely remorseful about hurting Sehun. However, that freakin Kai never fails to piss me off. When I got home y parents asked me about the date.

JiYun: it was horrible!!!
Chanyeol: what did he do to you?
JiYun: I don't even want to talk about it

Then the doorbell rang... Who was it? It was !!!!!

Arranged Marriage with KaiWhere stories live. Discover now