Chapter Nine

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Please don't forget to comment, vote, and share :) Oh, and excuse any past and future mistakes, I'm planning on going back and editing the story once I finish it.


^Picture above: Jace

I wake up before Nico does the next morning after only three hours of sleep. I'm absolutely drained but I just can't sleep. I go to the infirmary and make my rounds and change Derek's IV. Maddie's asleep beside him and I drop a kiss to her forehead before I make my way up to the ground floor kitchen. I see the pack chefs preparing for breakfast and decide to help them. I'm the Luna now so I have to show them that I'm here for them and care about and appreciate the work that they do. I tell them to put me to work after some serious insisting on my part and they finally ask me to make the batter for the pancakes. Each bowl makes about 20 pancakes and there are 200 bowls ready for me to fill with batter.

I work for an hour in the kitchen mixing flour, eggs, water, and vanilla extract to make the fluffiest pancakes I've ever seen in my life. I really enjoy my time with the chefs and appreciate their kitchen stories and thank them for getting my mind off of my deep thoughts. When I finish with the pancakes and helping to set up the breakfast buffet, the chefs send me upstairs with pancakes, eggs, hash browns, fruit and sausages for Nico and I. I hum as I take the elevator up the stairs and enjoy my change in mood from the morning. But when I enter our room I stop dead in my tracks. The pillows are strewn around the floor, the comforter is ripped to shreds, the lamps are shattered on the ground, and a shirtless Nico is sitting on the floor heaving.

I set our breakfast tray down on the desk and rush over to Nico. I sit on my knees in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Nico, Nico? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Look at me! Should I call Gavin?"

As soon as I say Gavin's name, Nico snarls loudly and bares his teeth. He lifts his head up and I see that his eyes are glowing red. His wolf has taken over.

"Mine!" He growls and grabs me to his chest. He makes me straddle him and he puts his face into my shoulder and breaths heavily! "Mine!"

I don't know what's wrong but I know he's not in a right mental state. I start rubbing his back like I would a baby and lean my head against his shoulder. I whisper sweet nothings to him and just sit there on his lap. After a while I can hear his breathes start to even and his heart rate slow down. I don't want to risk upsetting him again and I wait until he makes the first move. He eventually removes his head from my neck and just looks at me with his beautiful green eyes.

"Hey there," I whisper "How are you?"

He closes his eyes then and I know he's fighting an internal battle with himself so I pick myself off of him, and lay him down on the plush carpet on his side in front of me.

"Nico, open your eyes. What happened are you okay?"

He opens his eyes then and I bring press a kiss to his chest.

He shudders and wraps his arms around me bringing me so close that there's not an ounce of space between us. He starts combing his fingers through my hair removing it from its ponytail. Something I'm quickly realizing is becoming a habit of his. I guess he likes my hair out.

"You're so beautiful Shae. So beautiful."

"Nic, talk to me. I'm here, I'm always here."

"I'm sorry kitten. I just woke up in a bad state and when I saw you weren't there I got really upset. I took a shower hoping that you'd just step out for a few minutes but when you weren't back I kinda flipped. I have a bad feeling about today kitten and I'm so scared of losing you. It's so hard being away from you and not being able to feel you every second of the day."

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