Chapter Three

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^Picture above: Maddie

We get to the infirmary and start working on Derek. I take a blood sample and Gavin checks his vitals. Mrs. Piers rushes around and tries to start breaking the fever that Derek quickly developed as he was transported to the infirmary. Maddie has calmed down by now and is sitting on the sofa on the side of the room curled into Ellie with a stoic expression on her face.

"Mom, do you know what's wrong with him?" Gavin frantically asks his mom while recording his observations on a chart.

"No, I've never seen anything like this before honey. Whatever spurred on this sickness has multiple effects that are make it hard to find the root of the problem. He has a fever that's becoming dangerous even in were standards, his vitals make it seem like his body is somehow slowing down and going into a coma, and the results of the blood test suggest that there is some sort of harmful toxin in his body that's poisoning him."

"What are we gonna do? Derek's unconscious, he might be dying. He's probably in so much pain! We don't how to treat this, and who knows if any more pack members are affected as well?" Gavin says exasperatedly with tears in his eyes.

I turn to him and take his hands. "Gavin look at me. You are now the head pack doctor of the pack. Yes, it's a suckish first day but think, you're in the position you are because you have the skills and abilities needed to get the job done. We'll analyze every angle of Derek's illness and we'll figure it out together okay? You've got this, c'mon I believe in you and Ellie most certainly does."

Gavin's pain filled gaze meets mine and I cringe, I've never seen him so upset and it scares me- not that I'd ever tell him.

"But Shae, Derek... he, we. He has to get better! He's my best friend. "

"And he's Maddie's mate okay. She's sitting there more calmly than you are even though she's got a hell lot more to lose than you do. Yes, Derek's like your brother and you love him, and that's all the more reason to work harder to try and cure him. Imagine if Ellie was kidnapped and Derek was the only one that could track her down. You know that he'd work day and night just so that he could see her in your arms again. You owe Derek the same thing. If you put your heart into helping him, hopefully, the results will be in our favor. " I tell him firmly. "Now pull yourself together and let's get working.

"Shae's right Gav. I know you can do this. Draw strength from the bond. I'm right here with you, we'll all get through this together." Ellie adds.

After hours of monitoring him and running more tests we manage to stabilize Derek and sedate him so he can sleep peacefully.

"Gavin dear, why don't you go give the Alpha an update on the situation and explain to him our findings so far. You should also tell him about the potential threat of more pack members being affected and ask him to tell any wolves who are feeling sick to report to the infirmary immediately. "

Gavin nodded at him mom's words and turned to me. "Shae, would you like to come with me? You haven't met Nico yet and I could use some moral support."

"No its okay Gav. One of us should stay and watch over Derek. Take Ellie with you, I'll stay with Maddie." I replied quickly.

"Good thinking, c'mon princess." Gavin holds his hand out for Ellie who takes it and they leave the room together.

Thankfully, no one thought anything of my panicked voice. And as soon as they leave I take a seat next to Maddie on the couch and lay my head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Maddie. Gavin, Mrs. Piers and I will do everything we can to help Derek. He's strong and he'll be okay. And you know that if he was okay he's ask you to put a smile on your pretty little face for him. " I tell her.

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