Chapter 23: Justin's POV

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Justin's POV

We have been in Disney for five days now and we are going to leave today. I have already packed all of my things and Selena is almost finished. Gracie brought pretty much nothing so she is already packed up and ready to go. Our flight leaves at 12:30. If we leave at 10:00 we should have plenty of time. Well maybe we should leave at......

"Justin!" Selena yells angrily snapping me back out of my daze.

"Yeah?" I ask. Woah that sounded stupid.

"Really? Have you been ignoring me?" She states. "I've been yelling your name from the bathroom for five minutes. We were out of toilet paper." Oh boy this isn't going to end well for me. 


*two hours later*

Luckily, Selena isn't mad at me anymore. It would have been a long plane ride if she was. Of course Gracie took Selena's side in this fight. Just imagine me, all alone, on a five hour flight, miserable. Well, luckily I don't have to go through that. 

"Hey Selena, are you ready to go?" I ask.

"Yep. I'm all packed." She replies. Something looked like it was bothering her, but I just brushed it off. I pulled up my suitcase handle and scooped up Gracie who was wearing her sparkly princess backpack. Selena and I walked out of the hotel room, pulling our suitcases. 


We arrived at the airport later than I had hoped, but it gave us plenty of time. Everything was smooth sailing. Wow I have never said that phrase on my entire life. 

"Flight A-10 is now boarding. Flight A-10 is now boarding." 

"Well thats us." I say. Of course it is the last gate in the A section so we have walk for five minutes. We finally arrive and I pull out the tickets and the lady scans them. 

"Have a great flight." She tells us. I wonder how many times she has to say that in one day.

 We walk into the tunnel and Selena grabs my arm. 

"Justin I don't think we should go on that flight." She whispers.

"What why not?" I ask.

"I don't know. It's just that," She pauses. "I just have a really bad feeling about this." I am about to tell her that it will be okay, but then I see the worriedness in her eye. 

"You're not joking with me?" I ask seriously.

"No I think we should wait and book another flight." She responds.

"Well, Selena it is kind of late for that." I say. 

"You know what, you are completely right. It's probably nothing." She says even though I can tell she is still worried. Ugh. I have no idea what to do. I just decide to get on the plane. I turn around to see Selena following me. We walk through the rows trying to find a seat. Finally we find three open ones next to each other. I put our carry-on bags in the top compartment but I keep mine and put it under my seat. I sit down next to Selena. Gracie gets the window seat of course. 

Beep! Boop! 

Beep! Boop! 

I hear the speaker come on.

"This is your caption speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts. We are about to take off." I am already buckled so I just sit back and relax. Well at least try to. I hate taking off. I don't know why, I just do. We start to move and I tense up. Selena realizes it and giggles at me.

"It's not funny." I tell her. She giggles again and holds my hand. I am no longer nervous. How does she do that? I mean she just calms me instantly.

When we are finally in the air and Selena is asleep, so I decide to get my laptop out. Just as I bend over to grab my bag,  I see blonde hair whip past me. Not just any blonde hair either. No, it can't be. She couldn't have followed us. Could she? I try to convince myself otherwise but I know that hair. It's Jessica's. 

That's when I start to panic. 

"Selena!" I whisper. "Selena look at me." She turns towards me. "Selena we need to get off this plane." She looks at me confused. Instantly she gives me a "are you serious" look.

"I'm serious. I know this sounds crazy but..." I am cut off by a sudden jerk. Suddenly the plane drops down. It stops and we are flying straight ahead now. 

Beep! Boop! 

Beep! Boop!

"We are sorry for that little mishap. Please remain calm. We are going to head back and land." I hear a voice say. But it isn't any voice. It's Jessica's. 

Selena and I look at each other with fear. She knows who it is.

Suddenly we drop down again. This time we don't stop. We just continue to fall and fall.

We are going to crash.

That's when everything goes black.


Hey! I FINALLY UPDATED!!!!! I am also so proud of myself because I actually found time to write a chapter this long. I am so sorry it took me this long to update but with school and soccer I am just so busy. I hope you guys understand. 

If you liked this chapter please vote and if you have any thoughts or input, please comment. I love to read the comments. Also if you haven't already, check out my other story Ready To Run. Thanks.

~ Jordynn

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