Nikki's POV
I could hear someone crying and my hand was warm whereas my shirt was wet. I opened my eyes and saw that Jerome and Mitch were crying.
I saw that my heart thingy was going up and Jerome looked at me. He seemed so relieved that I was awake. He leaned down and kissed me but it felt different not like it has before.
The doctors came back in and said " The impact she took could have killed her. U are one in five to survive that accident. But the stitches will hurt cause of how many we had to put in along with the staples. Nikki, you will get very tired for the next few days, but then you will receive major headaches. So Mr. Aceti and Mr. Hudges you two will need to make sure that no one talks to her to long, no screaming, and keep all noise down when around her." He said then that after I fall asleep again that they can take me home.
Mitch's POV
When I heard the sound of her flatlining I knew it was over. Jerome looked up rushed to my side. He grabbed her hand a started to shaking it. The doctors came in and we asked for a few minutes with her. I walked over to her side grabbing her hand, but I couldn't hold it back anymore. The tears started coming down fast each second. Jerome was balling. I whispered into the my hands " Why did u have to go so soon!"
∞7 minutes later∞
I looked up and saw her eyes open. Jerome leaned down and kissed her but I saw Nikki cringe. The doctors then walked back and were very surprised. They talked about how there could be not screaming which might be hard since our house always has screaming while making videos.
I don't know why I couldn't hold back the tears. She was a great girl and was always laughing no matter what.
After she fell I thought it was over seeing her woderful blue eyes and hearing that laugh. Do I truly care for her that much- I can't she's dating my best friend, but then again he didn't seem that nervus when we were sitting here waiting for her to wake up.
You dont thing Jerome could be cheating on her. He would never. Right?
Saved by The Pack
ФанфикNikki's life was terrible. But one day it all changes with the help of her bullies. The Pack. They save her from the abuse of her parents, but stop bulling her when they start to see her as someone who was loving, kind, and awesome. After going thro...