A ship always sails

140 3 0

[Avengers minus Clint, Bruce, and Natasha have entered the chat]

Tony: Well Bucky, Loki you're both officially an avenger now.

Steve: Yup welcome to the team.

Thor: Brother where are you?

Loki: In a place you'll never think to look.

Thor: In fathers Chambers?

Steve: Whoa Tmi bye.

[Bucky and Steve have left the chat]

Loki: You dummy you saw me twenty minutes ago I'm obviously not on asgard. Plus why would I go back there?

Tony: He's....

Loki: I'm on a date with this girl at the movies ok now shush.

[Loki has logged off]

Thor: My brother will listen to me sing one direction.

[Thor has logged off]

[Loki has entered the chat]

Loki: Has he left.

Tony: Yes. Though I wasn't going to tell him that your sitting curled up next to me watching jumanji.

Loki: Oh so that's what this movie is called.

Tony: Wait didn't you see the big word at the begging, the word that read JUMANJI.

Loki: No *blush*

Tony: Did you at least see it on doctor who last night.

Loki: No *blushes more* and if we're in the same room, and right next to each other then why are we using the chat room.

Tony: I dunno. We did use the other chatroom I have when we first slept together.

[Everyone minus Thor (still no clint) has turned off invisibility]

Everyone: WHOA WHAT!!!!

Natasha: Ha Frostiron has finally set sail.

Bucky: How long has this been going on you two.

Bruce: Wait a minute, last week I said we should do drunk science and you said no. Is this why. Cause you don't just say no to science. Let alone drunk science.

Tony: Maybe.

Bucky: So more than a week.

Loki: Yes more than a week.

Natasha: It can't be more then a month...

Tony: *Slight blush*

Natasha: OMG GUYS it's been more than a month.

Steve: Seriously how long has this been going on.

Tony: Dear god guys, ok yes me and loki are dating and yes we've slept together, both ways, and yes its been going on for more than a month.

Steve: TMI, TMI

Loki: It's been what three months.

Tony: Yup

Steve: Ok then.

[Thor had entered the chat]


Loki: Well ya. Hello I'm loki god of mischief and lies. You belived what I said to be true.

Thor: As punishment your coming with me so I can sing one direction to you.

Loki: No!

Thor: Yes!

Loki: No I'm comfortable with anthony watching this jumanji.

Thor: Come brother.

Loki: No.

Thor: *Starts to drag loki away*

Loki: AHH Anthony help!

Tony: Thor put him back.

Thor: Or what.

Tony: I'll take away all your poptarts.

Thor: O-O k *puts loki back*

Tony: Good. So everyone come join us.

Bucky: Ooh yay I'll go grab popcorn!!!

[Bucky had logged off]

Bruce: I actually gotta go bye.

[Bruce has logged off]

Steve: Really, well one less person to make popcorn for.

Tony: Oh ya he's got a date.

Natasha: Ya. Gotta go.

[Natasha has logged off]

Steve: 0.o gonna go help Bucky.

[Steve has logged off]

Thor: Man of Iron you better treat my brother right.

Tony: Don't worry thunder boy I will.

Thor: I'm serious Anthony.

Loki: Ugh let's just watch the movie *curls back against tony's side*

[Bucky and Steve have entered the chat]

Bucky: Hold up you can't start the movie without us we have the popcorn.

Tony: We weren't.

Bucky and Steve: *Hands out popcorn*

{Movie begins}

{20 minutes in}

Loki: (w-tony) I love you anthony

Tony: (w-loki) I love you too lokes

{1 1/2 hours later movie ends}

[Everyone had logged off]

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