First Impressions

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Sometimes, you love someone. Sometimes that person seems to be the one, and you can't think of a life without them. But maybe that love is just a cover, just a cover so you don't end up alone, because love is the one thing you desire. But you think you love them, because you want to. And the thought of someone loving you back is what keeps you going. Perhaps if you look properly, you will find real love, because it may not be that far away.


I sat up quickly in the bathtub, the bubbles stuck to my face, my long dark hair drooping over my face. What was that? I shifted up and cocked my head to the side. I listened for a while, thinking it was just my imagination. Once I had settled down again into the warm water the shrill sound of my mother's voice echoed around again.

"Lexie! Come here quickly!" She called from downstairs. I sighed and pushed myself out of the bathtub, wrapping the towel around me harshly.

"What?" I yelled, leaning over the banister on the landing. My mom emerged from the living room and stood in the hallway.

"I think your new neighbor is moving in right now," She grinned, going to look out the window again. I scowled to show my disinterest and trailed into my bedroom. Throwing on a concoction of clothes I trotted down the stairs to see what was so fascinating. My mom Tina was discreetly hiding behind the curtain, peering at the moving trucks finally leaving after the noisy commotion. I rolled my eyes at her then went to turn on the TV.

"I can't tell you how pleased I will be when you leave again..." I muttered, flicking my wet hair over my shoulder.

"Well, be happy that I'm leaving in five days - oh! I think I see your new neighbor!" She leaned to have a proper look and I scowled at her again. After finally getting away she has to come back and stay at my new house for a few days. I flicked through channels slowly, trying to find a show that would draw my mother away from the window. Eventually, my ignorance faded and even I wanted to see this new neighbor. I clawed myself up off the cushions and ducked down, going all ninja. My mom laughed at me as I rolled across the floor towards her and peered over into the next garden. The house had been vacant for a while, and although it was small, it was really nice looking on the outside, the inside though, I wouldn't know.

The car that had just pulled up into the garden halted and the driver jumped out. It was a guy, and looked about my age, and my first impressions were that he was quite handsome and tall. He opened the door next to him and instead of a person, a small fluffy dog hopped out, a black leash trailing behind him. The guy wore jeans and a jacket, a bright blue t-shirt underneath. I couldn't tell what the shirt read; it was too far away and in some sort of stone text. He collected up some last boxes on the lawn and went inside, a mischievous smile on his face.

"What do you think Lexie? A good neighbor?" My mom questioned as I fell onto the sofa again.

"I wouldn't know, let's leave it a couple day's okay? I just hope he doesn't have any annoying habits..."

"Speaking of annoying, how's Austin?" She asked, talking about my long term boyfriend. Austin was blond with grey eyes, and I felt I could talk to him about anything, yet our relationship was moving very slowly. I sighed.

"He's fine and not annoying..." I started to plait the heap of long hair over my shoulder and my mom got up to go into the kitchen. I looked outside, the warm glow of sunshine beamed through the window and I felt an urge to go and sit in the back garden. I strode over to the back of the room and opened the huge doors to sit on the deck chair outside. My tiny dog ran over, her fluffy hair bouncing in her run.

"Hi Snowball," I grinned, scratching her ears. She scampered off into a bush and started doing dog things while I dropped down into the chair. I sighed heavily and squinted up at the sun, feeling the warm LA sunshine I am so familiar with. I closed my eyes and forgot everything; it just me and Austin in my head. I slipped into dreams, as if the yellow sun was the silver moon. I let the usual noises swirl around me while I almost fell asleep; Snowball scurrying, the birds singing and distant cars humming. Nothing could beat a moment like this, and I was

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