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Where was I? I attempted to move, but I felt stiff and immobile. I managed to figure out I was lying down, and when I looked up, all I saw was a white tiled ceiling. My limbs ached and as I became more awake, I could feel more things attached to my body. I felt uncomfortable and wanted more than nothing to get up and run around but that seemed like a huge challenge right now. I was in complete silence, but I could hear distant noises, but they were too quiet to understand. The main thing that concerned me was not that I was disabled, but that I can't remember anything. I knew what Austin did to me, and when he left, but what happened then? I racked my brain angrily, wondering if he ever got away with it. And what about Tobuscus? I guess he never came for me. I found myself staring at the ceiling for a long time, and then tried to move again. Luckily, after much effort, I managed to prop myself up into a sitting position, and then made a quick survey of my surroundings. I was in a small room, and I knew straight away I was in a hospital. The blue washed out curtains were pinned back and unfamiliar daylight streamed through, casting bright shadows onto my lap, where I noticed my entire body was covered in bandages and tubes. I wasn't surprised, I just groaned with disappointment. I wish I was dead. What did I have to live for anymore? Austin? Hell no. And Tobuscus likes Olga, so I have no one. Something caught my eye. What I didn't notice before at the end of my bed was a huge bouquet of orange, yellow and pink flowers. I smiled slightly, just glad there was a least one burst of energy and happiness in the room. I was about to try and get up but a nurse came in, and her mouth dropped open. I stared at her.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" She said quietly, coming over. I raised an eyebrow with confusion.

"...How long have I been asleep?" I mumbled, glancing around for some form of date. The nurse went about her business, tidying up and adding extra liquid into my drip bag. She didn't answer me until she was finished.

"I'm afraid you've been in a coma for three months-"

"THREE MONTHS?" I exclaimed, starting to cry slightly. I couldn't have been alone all that time right?

"H-has anyone visited me?" I stuttered, looking back at the flowers.

"Your mother, and these flowers are from a young man. He visited too," She replied. My heart lurched. Tobuscus?

"He left a note; if you want I can go and contact him if you like...?"

"Yes please..." I mumbled, my eyes fixed on the flowers. She left silently and I clawed myself up immediately. I didn't seem as fragile as I thought I was going to be, and I soon had myself at the bottom of the bed next to a small table. A small pile of different coloured paper sat next to the flowers, each one had a date and a message.


Hi Lexie. It's been a week since you got into hospital and I'm still not over the shock. Austin is locked away, you'll be happy to know. They thought maybe I had something to do with it! The nerve! Anyway, I'm not sure if you'll ever get this message, but I'll leave it anyway. While I write this I'm watching you carefully, you're not moving and the only sound I can hear is from the life support machine. I've been told you might pull through but it's a long shot. I'd wait no matter how long to be with you finally.

Toby x


Came back again and nothing's changed, you're still in a coma. I got some more flowers, and this time they're pink! Manly, right? I bought them myself from a florist, and my friends helped me pick them out. They are seriously worried about you, because they know about everything that has happened. Maybe I shouldn't have told them? Too late now. Oh well.

Toby x


Hi. Sitting watching you again, just after you came back from a scan. Your cuts are clearing up and the bruises are fading, so that's good, right? An old lady is in the room next door and she's nice. She starts to recognize me now, and she gave me some boiled sweets. It's great, fantastic even. It's like I'm a kid again. The weird thing is she's more mobile than you. Now that's a crime against nature. Just kidding.

Toby x


Sigh. It feels like forever since I last spoke to you. Not through note form. Someone tried to clean your house, but I did it instead. I'm not scared of broken glass! I'm built like a murder tank! Ha-ha. Once again, you have more flowers, and this time they're not just from me. Olga and her roommates got you some tulips. They're blue. Your room is getting seriously crowded now. I think I may have accidently spilled to the Audience about you, and now I have get well soon cards coming in the mail, which is new. I stuck them up on the wall behind your bed. This room looks a lot less depressing now.

Toby x


While I watch you, I picked up a book and started reading. Ah, reading hurts. An Audience member actually sent me it. The Hunger Games. I heard its good, and I'm actually enjoying it. It passes the time while I sit here. The fan also sent a message to you that says: "You better come out of a coma soon, because it makes Tobuscus very sad! And the Audience love to see Toby happy!" It sounds like it was written by a five year old, but it's true. I want nothing more than to hold you in my arms again. Then I'll be happy.

Toby x


I put a rose in your hand today, and brushed your hair, because you were looking a bit dead. I know you're not dead, but I wanted to make you look like you're actually alive. Your house is clean now. I'm afraid I couldn't do anything about the coffee stains on your dining table though. Never mind. There's a balloon by your bed now, and it has a big smiley face on it. It's from my friend Gabe. We all sat with you today, and I'm writing this after they've gone. It's funny, they're treating you like they've known you forever and yet, they don't. I haven't known you that long either, but I couldn't feel more right about my feelings.

Toby x :)


Two weeks since the attack and I still see you every day. I will never give up hope though.

Toby x

I watched as the messages became shorter and shorter over time and about a week ago they stopped completely. I turned around to face the wall behind and sure enough it was flooded with cards. The balloon was in the corner and the many vases of flowers (some dying now) were placed along the sides of my bed. He does care.

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