Beautiful Nightmare

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I stirred gently. I felt cold and alone straight away, which was strange, because I remembered falling asleep in Austin's arms last night. I forced my eyes open to give me some idea of where I was. I was suddenly standing, and as I expected, alone. I squinted in the darkened corridor which began to form, and I saw a distant silhouette. I rubbed my eyes violently. What was happening? I must be dreaming. I shook myself hard to try and snap out of it because I was getting scared. I rubbed my temples as I tried walking forward, towards the distant shadow standing a few metres away. He came closer and held out his arms. As his arms were elevated, golden streams and sparkling lights shot out, in such a loud bang I was almost blasted off my feet. The corridor began shaking and being filled with twirling lights, each with pink and purple twinkling stars. I was entranced, my eyes wide with excitement. I held on tightly to the wall, trying not to be blown away as the shining streaks of light spun and danced all around me. I laughed and my voice echoed loudly and a distant laugh followed mine. I raised an eyebrow and ventured forward, spinning around in the golden paradise. I came out of the bottom door and a long and wide yellow and pink tiled path was floating in the air. My hair glowed and began being lifted up, like there was a lack of gravity. I couldn't have been happier; the smile couldn't be wiped off my face. Certainly, this was heaven. There was a smell of sweet candy, which was not sickly or too strong. The place was warm and made my insides rocket around as I danced down the floating road, surrounded by sky blue colors where the lights continued to spin. As I came over a hill, I noticed a huge light in the distance covering a huge garden suspended in the air, a fluffy white cloud underneath. I smiled brightly and broke into a run, knowing that that is where I will be most happy. I could taste sugar and sweetness on my tongue and I savored the moment, running light as a feather towards the blossoming heaven. My hair which bounced around me was glossy and light, beautifully made up. My bed clothes washed away into a vast gold and silver dress, which trailed behind me, the huge netting perfectly soft and comfy. Music was in the air and I could hear soothing bells and singing which could have been sang by angels. I wanted to be there, in that garden, hoping it wasn't an illusion as I charged across the road. I stopped still at the entrance, where the huge glittering white gates stood immaculate above me. I beamed and looked back into the garden. Then I froze. My mouth dropped open and I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing there, gazing up at the magnificent fountain, Tobuscus. It was him, no doubt about it. My thoughts tumbled around me; I didn't understand this at all. He turned towards me and his smile crept onto his lips, and then I knew. I broke into a run again, holding my dress up slightly. He held his arms out and I giggled. He wore a white suit and his tasseled hair was perfect, not a curl out of place. Once I was in his arms everything exploded around me, and I cuddled him close, wanting to stay here forever. Just me and him, in our own little heaven. I looked up at him, my head just being under his chin, and his skin was glowing. He looked down at me and smiled, his teeth literally glittering pearls.

"Come with me," He said suddenly, leading me down a short stone path. He broke out onto his heels, just simply gliding along the path, flowers blossoming where he stepped. I followed him reluctantly and the breath rushed out of me when I saw where he was headed. As some strong tall palm trees parted a magnificent silver coliseum stood, vines twisting around the archways and golden belle flowers blossoming around each corner. I walked forward, completely in my own world, my head tilted up slightly and my mouth wide open. This was beautiful. Angels began perching on the edges and playing harps gently. I smiled and giggled quietly at them and Tobuscus took my hand.

"C'mon gurl," He grinned cheekily, leading me to the middle. I had no idea what was happening but I couldn't take the smile off my face. Was I dead? Is this heaven? Tobuscus put his hands on waist and I obediently put my head on his shoulder. The music became much louder and we swayed gently in the music, small fireflies swirling around our bodies.

"Do I love you?" I asked quietly, hoping he could actually hear me.

"You tell me," He whispered back, kissing my forehead. I could feel a shiver run down my back and he held me tighter, his expression changing. I looked up again and he was glancing around nervously, like he was afraid. I narrowed my eyes in worry.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He cocked his head to one side.

"Sorry, I thought I heard something..." He nestled close to me again, just as an almighty roar up rose from within the garden. This time I heard it, and we jumped apart.

"What is it?" I cried, as Tobuscus leapt from me, running into a nearby hedge. I looked around, my eyes darting nervously. The angels flew away with blood curdling screams and horrific storm clouds rolled in above me. I followed quickly after Tobuscus and he emerged again, an enormous gun in his hands. Winds swept angrily around us and my hair became messy and tangled. I looked fearfully at the sky. The blue colors were grey and falling apart, parts of clouds drifted away quickly and some fell into swirls of red and black. The vines curled away, the flowers withered into shriveled brown vegetation and the trees began to fall down. Tobuscus held the gun above his head and screamed, beginning to shoot into the garden, the bullets piercing into the leaves and trees. I started crying, unaware of what was going on. The garden literally split in two and an almighty force began walking down the middle of it. Upon sighting, Tobuscus told me to run.

"Go! Go as fast as you can!" He screamed above the roaring winds, waving me away. I picked up my dress, it starting to tear and wither and ran. When I reached the side of the coliseum I stopped to look back. Tobuscus was fearlessly standing strong, trying to defeat the powerful force. I couldn't tell what it was but I knew this: It was tearing me and Tobuscus apart. The red and black force soared up into the air and flew forward at the speed of light. Tobuscus tried to tell me to run again but it seized me like an eagle and I was lifted into air, kicking and screaming. I resisted strongly but it held me tight and me and the force took off into the air, leaving Tobuscus standing alone in the garden. He was far away but I could see his big sad eyes.

"No!" I yelled, trying to force myself free again, but the force stopped me.

"Hush now, Lexie," It cooed softly. Oh my God. It was Austin.

I sat up with a jolt in bed with cold sweat streaming down my face. Just a nightmare, I assured myself. I panted hard and looked over at Austin who was hugging a pillow tightly. I sighed deeply, trying to catch my breath before I glanced over at the clock. It was 6:00am. I thought about going back to sleep, but I couldn't stay here with him. I shifted and got up to go downstairs. I'll think about the whole thing over some coffee...

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