Chapter 9★Amy

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I get to the Dragon bunkroom to find a majority of the forty person army standing there. Wait, no. I count heads. Twenty-four, including me. Still a majority, just not as big a majority as I had originally thought. Four more people walk in. They come from armies as well. Centipede, Rat, Condor, Asp. I see Dink and Fly and walk over to them.

"Do you know where the rest of the people are?" I ask. "There's only twenty-eight of us here."

"No," says Dink. "But you saw, right? That Ender's the commander."

"Yeah, I saw."

"Where are Petra and Aiden? I thought that they would've been transfered with you." This from Fly.

"I don't think Petra got transfered, and I don't know about Aiden. He still might show up." Right on cue, Aiden walks through the door. He sees us, smiles, and walks over. Twenty-nine of us are here. So where are the other eleven? A large group of people in yellow jumpsuits walk through the door. Launchies? I count heads. Forty people. Eleven launchies. We're all here. We're just missing the most important member. Ender.

I walk over to one of the launchies. He stands aside from everyone else and doesn't participate much in their excited conversation. I introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you Amy. My name is Bean." I see a plausible reason for that nickname. He's not very big. He looks about three. But I know he must be at least six to be here. And, since he didn't tell me his actual name, I assume that Bean is his name. An ex street rat. This means he probably doesn't know his last name either.

"You know who put together this crazy bunch of misfits?" I ask. He smiles.

"I'm afraid that's classified." I stare in shock.

"You-" He cuts me off with a finger to his lips. I nod and smile.

"Attention! Officer on deck." Ender walks in. About time.

"At ease. Bunking will be arranged with launchies at the front and veterans at the back."

"But Ender, every other commander has their veterans closest to the front." This from Bean.

"I don't intend to be like every other commander."

"What am I doing here, Ender? You don't even like me." I turn and see a tall, burly launchy with his arms crossed.

"I didn't select this army, but I intend to make it the best in this school. I think you can help me do that Bernard. Am I wrong?" The boy deemed Bernard pulls to attention.

"No sir."

"Good. Now, if anybody has an idea they think is better than mine, I want to hear it. I can't be expected to do all the thinking in this army, can I Bean?"

"No sir!"

"Good." Ender looks straight at me and smiles. "Training starts now."

"Sir, yes sir!" We all chorus loudly as Ender walks out.

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