Chapter 13

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Killed my father....

Killed my father....

Killed my father....

Those three words, are all I can think about. Those three words, change everything. I don't understand how this is possible, how did his dad know Dean?. The thought of his dad being involved with Dean, is sickening. I dismiss that thought quickly, no way would Lorelei love a monster.

I have so many questions, but I'm not sure Axel will answer. He did just find out I'm related to the man, who killed his dad. What if he takes his anger out on me?. No, Axel wouldn't hurt me, he's not like the men I'm used to. It takes every ounce of self control I have not to run, I have to face this!.

I need answers, I have to be strong. I know Axel thinks I'm fragile, and to be honest I am. I have to know this though, I can't be held in the dark.

"How is this possible? How did your dad know Dean?"

As much as I would like to look down at my shoes, like they are the most interesting thing in the world. I don't, I watch his every move. He is breathing deeply, clenching and unclenching his fists. I can tell this is painful for him to talk about.

"Darling, this is a lot to take in. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Axel please just tell me, I can handle it."

I can tell he doesn't believe me, I don't even believe me. He doesn't argue about it, he gives me exactly what I wanted. The truth!

"For you to understand the whole story, you need to know about the MC.  We make, and sell guns, to who ever is willing to buy them. Mostly it's local gangs, or other MC's to use for whatever reasons. Our charter in England makes the guns, they ship what we need to us, and sell the rest there. My dad and his brothers, founded this club back when they were twenty-one. It's been successful ever since"

Hearing the truth about his club, is terrifying. I knew they were involved in illegal stuff, but not this. I feel like I'll never escape danger. I know I need more time to process what he does for a living, but I need him to finish. If he quits talking now, I doubt I'll be able to listen later.

"Around a year ago, Dean contacted my dad. He wanted to buy some guns, and even asked us for backup. He was losing his territory, to another drug lord. Dad didn't trust him though, so he told him no. That pissed Dean off, he was counting on my dad's help. Instead of asking some one else for help, he paid off one of our guys. He helped Dean, steal our guns."

"What happened to that guy?"

Axel gave me a intense look, that already gave me my answer.

"I killed him"

The way he said it, without any emotion. Let's me know, he would do it again. Without any regret!

"Dean started a war with the MC, no one steals from us. We planned our revenge, we attacked his territory. During the fight, my dad got distracted, that's when Dean did it. He shot my dad in the back of the head."

By now I was crying, I could see the tears forming in Axel's eyes. The fact that my uncle did all this, doesn't surprise me. He's a cold hearted bastard, I'm actually thinking he doesn't even have a heart.

"What did your dad get distracted by?"

Guilt flooded Axel's eyes, tears stared running down his handsome face. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, let him know I'm here for him. Before I could reach him, he took his shirt off. Right above his heart, is a long scar.

"I did, he heard me scream out from pain. During the fight, some asshole stabbed me. My dad tried to get to me, but before I could shout out to him to turn around. Dean shot him!"

I wrapped my arms around him, he pulled me closer to his body. I could feel our emotions melt together, we was both hurt by the same man. Axel reached up and held my face in both of his hands, the words he spoke next, sent a shiver down my spine.

"I'm going to kill your uncle! not only for my dad, but for what he did to you and Olivia."

****sorry if this chapter isn't the best! Please vote/comment!

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